
Oct 09, 2007 01:36

The Mother must be laughing on her throne of stars, staring down at her Warrior with a
pleasant grin and playing the threads tied to my arms. How and why did she play me
into this role? How did I.. Pongwa Khadar.. RHYS LEIF .. Become Prince.

I write now in confusion, because confusion has swarmed my mind more then when I
lost it to that creature so many years ago. This puppet has no need for crowns, no need
for chieftain robes or the eyes of Advisers. This Puppet requires a spear, a foe and a
thirst for hunting a quarry that should not be.

I blame my name. Khadar. First Born King. My mother had high hopes, she did not expect
me to be a Prince of the walking dead though, I believe that escaped her great schemes.
She, Anabella, told me I cannot go patrolling anymore. Not alone like I use to.

Simmons says I cannot grab my blade and rush to the hunt anymore. That I must find people
to replace me, to be strong in my place and have the people finally learn to protect themselves.

Aleksandyr Evengii looks hurt. Not that I am Prince, but the actions of Sanjeev. He rarely turns
to frenzy, he has a grand control of his beast, but his eyes look a mix of sadden and the fury of
a old Russian lupine. As if watching his cub be eaten by the beast itself. I feel sorry for him, I
tried to warn him, but I do not feel animosity towards him because he would not or did not wish
to listen. It is unusual to see Hope in the eyes of the old.

... Can't believe these people named me Prince.
I suppose it would be rude of me to name thursdays "Female's sit on the Prince's Lap" day.

This is the most boring yet dangerous job I have ever taken.
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