From Twitter 11-09-2009

Nov 10, 2009 02:00

  • 15:50:36: Old meme about women being too stupid/irresponsible to use birth control still alive and well. (Comments) Also...
  • 15:51:41: Abortion only murder if sex is consensual, just fine if there's rape/incest involved. Care to tell me you're not about punishing women?
  • 15:58:40: Cannot continue that thread... Feeling stabby as it is.
  • 16:06:05: I've decided. I need head-explody powers. It would make the world a much simpler place...
  • 16:07:38: I hope so. RT @ WomensRights Rep. Wasserman Schultz: Confident Stupak will not be in the final version of the bill
  • 23:23:37: Kitten on my lap. Trying to get my word count in for NaNoWriMo. Still stewing in high irritation re: healthcare, fauxgressives.

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