Peg Yorkin, of the Feminist Majority Foundation...backing Roman Polanski? Some of the industry’s most prominent women said they believe Polanski, who faces a sentence as low as probation and as high as 16 months in prison for pleading guilty to having sex with a minor, should be freed. “My personal thoughts are let the guy go,” said Peg Yorkin, founder of the Feminist Majority Foundation. “It’s bad a person was raped. But that was so many years ago. The guy has been through so much in his life. It’s crazy to arrest him now. Let it go. The government could spend its money on other things.”-
The Los Angeles Times, October 1, 2009 Fame, power, talent, does not make you any less of an asshole nor does having a hard life (Nazis and Manson) make you not culpable for the crimes you commit.
One of the commenters (braak) over on Harpyness asked why not just come out with a streamlined answer, such as:
“Yes, I am defending Roman Polanski, a man who, at forty-seven, administered drugs to and then raped a thirteen year old girl. And then fled the country to escape sentencing. But my feeling is, let the guy go.”
I'm going to go headdesk myself now.
There's this also:
The List of Shame (or Rape-Apologists R Us) I have to say though...was anyone really surprised to see Woody Allen's name on that list?
ETA: Also, I've been mentally comparing Michael Jackson and Roman Polanski. One an acquitted molester and one an admitted rapist. And it's interesting to me the amount of condemnation placed on Jackson and the amount of support given to Polanski. Needless to say, I get the feeling it's because one was a "freak" and the other can pass for "normal."
And.....I'm going back into my creative cocoon.
Bye now.