
Sep 08, 2009 07:52

You know, one thing I hear a lot of----usually Yellow Republicans, those delightful warmongers who never serve, themselves---is that "Men have to go to war!" A corollary to this is whining about chivalry, about how women and children get in the lifeboats first. (People like to point out that more men died on the Titanic than women, but they never seem to point out that---off the top of my head---that two-thirds to three-quarters of the passengers and crew were male, and that many, many women and children died in steerage. Chivalry was never an option offered to poor women or women of color. So bite me, whiny dipshits. Anyhoo.)

The fun thing about 'Men have to go to war!' is that of course, in this country, men don't have to go to war. And that just because other guys go to war does not mean the 101st Keyboardists get to claim POW status, but that's the way it's supposed to work. If in theory men have to go to war, then all men get to whine about it. Of course, this little trope serves to put women in second place: don't ask for equal rights, ladies, heh heh, otherwise, we'll give you equality. You won't like it, and let's face it, why try it, because you won't get treated equally. Even if you do perform equally, you'll never see it in the newspapers or in society.
-- Ginmar

women, equality, feminism, the draft, men, war, quotes

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