I'm getting to one of those "I Hate Everything" Moods

Jan 30, 2009 12:59

Judge Unimpressed by Rapist's Excuses

This rapist felt he should get a lighter sentence because he was the kind and gentle sort of rapist not "excessively brutal" or "overly monstrous."

Excuse me?

You rape a woman and you think you should get a lighter sentence because you were "nice" about it? (Nice constitutes covering her head, wrapping a belt around her neck, and forcing sex upon her, apparently.)

I hope demons come from the festering sulphur ridden pits of hell, pluck out your pubic hairs one by one, flay the skin off your dick, then crack open your scrotum and make earrings out of your balls, you waste of cells.

Good to hear that the judge didn't buy the tripe at least. But fucking hell.

Ginmar has an excellent rant on needing to kick the Rethugs out of office and fucking get to work on solving our issues.

With this latest repressive step, the Republicans have made it clear that they view sex as something that only rich people--and rich men at that--should have without fear or care, and it's time to drag these vampires out into the snow and the sun and let them finaly be exposed for what they are. We will stop coddling the rich and the powerful, and if we have to, we'll start with the Republican party and every one of its spoiled, greedy, grafting, cruel, lazy, bloated, thieving, lying, unfit, budgetarily-inept and uneducated, dishonest, dishonorable, selfish, and soon-to-be-unemployed members. You are not fit to conduct the affairs of this nation unless you cut ties to your bribe-tossing lobbies and put ordinary non-bribe giving Americans first, and by God, Buddha, Jehovah, Allah, Krishna, or nobody at all, you'll be the first victims of a new American revolution if it comes to that! Get out or get to work, and remember, at long last, WHO IN THE BLOODY HELL YOUR EMPLOYERS ARE."

Over at Pandagon

The Stupidity Bar Keeps Getting Lower

In addition to Chris Matthews' absolutely riveting comments about how Government funding for Family Planning would be tantamount to China's "One Child Policy" is followed up by even more fundie fuckwittery with a misogynistic, racist cartoon by Glenn McCoy. (Mentioned by one commenter to be the Jack Chick of the Anti-Choice movement.)

As was mentioned over there, exactly what part of the word choice do these imbeciles not understand? It's a simple, one syllable word.

Amanda's got a great comment further down on the Abortion Industry mythology:

The existence of the “abortion industry” myth was the result of the feverently held anti-choice belief that no woman, left to her own devices, would choose anything but to have one baby after another. Because god made women to be simple creatures who aren’t very smart, of course, but just smart enough to be able to push when told and breastfeed. And that women were never unhappy in constraining gender roles, because being simple, we couldn’t even imagine a life that has room for things in it other than breeding and man-pleasing.

Then the Evil Feminists came along and convinced women to do unnatural things like work for a living and have sex for reasons other than procreation. But most of all, Evil Feminists wanted women to have lots and lots of abortions, so they tricked women into thinking that’s what they want, too. Every woman getting an abortion is, in their mind, a dupe who really doesn’t want to be there, but Evil Feminists made her do it. ....

I've said it before...

I don't really give a flying fig if someone is pro-life. If they think I'm some evil baby-eating slut from the pits of hell because I have no problem with abortion (at any stage, frankly) and would have one myself before you could utter "mifepristone" and that I'm on a one-way tram ride to hell.

I don't care what they personally think about abortion or about me.

But if someone is anti-choice--this is political, it's social, it's global--if someone supports the red tape and the bureaucracies and the religious shit and the ideology that women are not autonomous beings which makes it difficult to impossible for women to get their reproductive health care needs met--and that ranges to anything from comprehensive sex education and family planning to the birth control pill to Plan B to Medical Abortion to vacuum aspiration to an intact Dilation & Extraction to the right to not be forced to undergo a C-Section or any number of other things that violate personal autonomy because of the presence of the Holy Fetus: someone is a misogynistic privileged asshole.




Wait for me to tell you how I really feel, huh...

I've got to turn my eye away from the bat shittery of the neo-conservatives and loud-mouthed republicans, the outright misogynists, and the just plain illogical imbecilic whiners before my head goes 'splodey.


...Tea it is.

I think I will be taking some aggression out on Super Mutants this evening...and then maybe some of the fictional political assholes in that novel/novella idea I keep mentioning.

rape, republicans, pro-choice, rant, reproductive rights, misogynists, sexism, abortion, anti-choicers, feminism, sexual freedom

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