I'm...ah. Wow.

Jan 23, 2009 14:14

Senate Passes Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Obama To Lift Global Gag Rule You know the one that says any foreign family planning service that even so much as mentions the word abortion (let alone gives information about abortion or provides them) will lose any and all funding from the U.S. Thus harming millions.

(And Pres. Obama's a lefty. Just noticed that. Keen.)

For the past few days, I feel like I've had multiple personality disorder.

There's the Realist: You know these are executive orders and presidential directives. Which means the next President can overturn them. And they still have to be stepped to. And you're going to have to hold his feet to the fire on some things.

The Cynic (who often teams up with the Realist): You know this won't last much longer. He's going to come up against a stronghold or else he's going to kowtow under a pinpointed pressure.

And then there's the (oft hidden) Optimist: Would the rest of you just shut the hell up and let me enjoy it while it lasts!

It's exhausting.

I'm woozy.

Um. Can I have a pony too?


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