South Carolina may expand ultrasound law These anti-choice fuckers already want to require women to view an ultrasound before getting an abortion. (The language says that abortion providers must give women the option of viewing the ultrasound. But the fact that it's even in there feeds into the anti-choice mythology of abortion providers being some kind of moustache twirling villain lurking in the shadows before pouncing, helpless, uneducated women and tying them to exam tables before sucking the fetus out of them.)
Additionally, these polyps from the diseased ass of a sulfur scorched demon want the law to determine where women view these ultrasounds by requiring that women be given a list of clinics and facilities that offer "free" (save for the mental pain and suffering) ultrasounds.
These lists may very likely include "Crisis Pregnancy Centers." You know? Those places that set up shop next to a Planned Parenthood, put on a pro-woman front, and once they've got you in the door tell you how bad and evil you are for even considering an abortion, let alone future forms of birth control, and anyway what the fuck are you doing having sex when you're not married you dirty slut.
A sponsor of the bill said he hopes every woman seeking an abortion will first view an ultrasound image of their fetus.
“The impetus behind these bills is we should use technology in a way that a woman who is planning on aborting a child can get all information possible before that decision is made,” said Rep. Gary Simrill, a York County Republican.
Because women are obviously too stupid to realize that getting an abortion means...getting an abortion. And you know we can't--for the life of us--figure out how to ask our physicians questions or find non-biased resources.
Let's listen to Daddy Government instead. He knows that it's best for us to gestate those fetuses, even though he'll ignore them once they're out of the uterus. Doesn't matter that we don't have decent access to health care, or child care (so we can afford to go to work), or access to contraception across the board. All that matters is we keep popping out those tax-payers and consumers. Oh and that we stay at home and raise them, of course.
Abortion providers in S.C., under state law, must tell women the likely age of their fetus, give them information about fetal development and inform them about alternatives to abortion, such as adoption.
The requirements are fucked.
But what's in bold really annoys me as an anti-choice argument.
It just pisses me right the fuck off.
Adoption is not an alternative to abortion.
Adoption is not an alternative to pregnancy.
Adoption is an alternative to parenting/raising a child.
Abortion is the alternative to pregnancy. (The other is not getting pregnant in the first place. Hm. Would these lawmakers like to help with ensuring that unwanted pregnancies don't happen? ...I think I hear crickets chirping.)
Summary: Adoption does fuck all for a woman that does not want to gestate a pregnancy.
He recalled how his impending fatherhood hit home each time he viewed that first ultrasound.
“If I had any doubt about it (then) I obviously knew after seeing that ultrasound that that was a child,” Simrill said.
Good for you.
I hope the one who was carrying said child felt the same way.
Now, stop trying to force your emotional responses onto the rest of us.