My father seemed astounded...

Nov 10, 2008 14:42

That I would link the Civil Rights movement of the 60s with Gay Rights (specifically gay marriage, as per the specificity of the conversation).



People denied rights based on the color of their skin.

People denied rights based on who they are sexually attracted to.

No, they aren't one and the same. And the latter doesn't co-opt the former. People are still denied rights and treated as non-humans based on their skin color.

But both of these things: skin color and sexuality are determined not by ourselves. Be it strictly predetermined biology or not--whatever people are bandying about today--you can no more help who you are attracted to, who you desire, who you love than you can the color of your skin or the make up of your chromosomes.

I mean, it's not like I can just stop loving someone because they show they can be quite an asshole. Or even if their beliefs might run counter to my health and well being. It may drive me up the proverbial fucking wall, but I can't just turn it off. Maybe some people can. I'm not one of them. Whatever.

I'm not seeing a difference. Hatred is hatred. Ignorance is ignorance. Bigotry is bigotry.

No, no two groups experience discrimination in the same way. But that doesn't make one form any more acceptable than another.

You are free to not like someone. You are free to even hate them so long as you keep your hatred confined from the reach of their nose.

You don't, however, get to hate someone and subsequently deny them civil rights under the government based on a "morality clause."

We have to have something we can drag people down with, don't we?

I have got to stop talking politics with my father.

Have to.

Old Dog, New Trick. Not gonna learn.

I'm not changing my mind. He's not changing his. And while he may make a good point at times, most of what he says can be found in the annals of modern conservative rhetoric from Reagan onward. I've heard and read the exact same arguments time and again from him, from pundits, from articles and news sources and books, and they all ring hollow and useless.

Not to mention we have the added baggage of white, heterosexual, middle class, male privilege. (Privilege is a concept I'd love to introduce, but I'm not sure it'd be worth the headache to get too deeply into it.)

And part of my issue: he doesn't converse or debate. He shouts down. Or doesn't address the exact topic. (Or plain just doesn't answer.) It's an equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and singing off key.

It's a minor celebration if I can get him to stop talking/talking over me long enough to finish one sentence or complete one thought.

I think mom's right. He'd argue with a damned tree stump.

So... Yeah. Resolution to myself: walk. the. fuck. away.

Leave the bait alone.

There are bigger fish to filet.

No two groups experience prejudice exactly the same way. Women and blacks are not the same either, but our laws still protect women from discrimination. For me it doesn't matter if these two groups are identically oppressed, it matters that no group is oppressed.

- Jasmyne Cannick, board member and media spokesperson for the National Black Justice Coalition in New York City.

civil rights, politics, human rights

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