There are measures on the ballots in Colorado (to give eggs human rights, pretty much) and in South Dakota (yet again).
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Video is from the National Advocates for Pregnant Women. Some of the points in the video:
Angela Carter, a terminally ill woman, had her right to life overruled by a court. Cesarean surgery was performed under court order. Neither Angela Carter or the baby survived.
In Utah, Melissa Roland gave birth two twins. One stillborn. She was arrested for murder. The charge claimed that by not consenting to a cesarean, she was responsible for the stillbirth.
A spokesman for Salt Lake County said the charge was required by Utah's fetuscide law that was amended in the early 2000s to protect a fetus from the moment of conception.
That inconvenient thing attached to the fetus? That's called a woman.
One of the more troubling things in the video is how much the doctors, not only law enforcement, were involved in the assessment of the value of these women's lives in comparison with the fetuses they carry.
How many of these cases were in states with "conscience" clauses that allow doctors to deny treatment to women based on their own religious or moral convictions?
Just. Fucking. Stop. It.