While we all sleep - they delete abortion on Monday. Everyone has been so distracted by the election that no one has been paying attention to single issues -- and by this single issue I mean abortion and reproductive justice.
Well, while we were sleeping, The Family Research Council plans to present Bush with a petition next Monday from 80 pro-life groups with the request he extend the global gag rule on abortion domestically via Executive Order. The gag rule will be tied to Title X funds and will prohibit clinics that receive money to provide reproductive health care to the poor to even discuss abortion as an option with their patients, likely regardless of socioeconomic status.
Recently, social conservatives have been attacking Planned Parenthood funding. The loss of does not only affect PP, but it also substantially affects other health centers that provide services to the underserved and uninsured.Title X funding cannot be used for abortions. To "move funding into abortions," as the conservatives say PP especially is wont to do, is illegal and fraudulent. In short, this fraud is not something that health systems are interested in doing due to the penalities (and of course it is not the right or ethical thing to do).