(no subject)

Jun 17, 2007 11:47

greetings all.

Life continues to offer goodness and oddness in fairly balanced portions.

I recently took adria out to a cabaret show during the festival called the Burlesque Hour. It was tres fun. we almost had a table all to ourselves with our friends Kirsty, Michelle, Peta, and Janelle all there as well. There were two lads also there who we did not know but after introductions were happily ignored for the rest of the evening.

The show itself was quite amazing. It started off with a very cheesy guy dressed in bogon clothes and looking very northern suburbs lip syncing to Divinals(sp?) "I touch myself". It got more disturbing when he started stripping...badly! The twist was that when he took of his top he had a small pair of droopy breasts. Thats right...he was a she, albeit not a very attractive one! Adria maintains she knew he was a woman right from the outset. And I believe her :).
The rest of the show continued in similar fashion. It was a fairly entertaining mix of vignettes designed to subvert the normal perception of feminimity and sex/sensuality.
My favourite performer was a hugely energetic and over the top japanese girl who appeared to use elements of Bhuto dance in her performances which were as absurd as they were rivetting. Oh yeah the striptease magic act with the disappearing hanky was a crowd pleaser as well :).

Friday was a thoroughly irritating day on the other hand. I rode to work and it was bloody freezing. During work there was an emergency evacuation and we had to wait outside in the freezing cold for 1/2 hr to wait to see if the building would blow up. Despite the 4 fire engines there it failed to co-operate and remained standing. Then I went back in only to have the call diverter not working so I had to wait for another 2 hrs getting bored out of my brain before I could go home. Then finally upon riding home, I rode over something and puctured my tyre. I had to walk the rest of the way home. Oh yeah I also dropped my phone and now it wont work. BUGGER! very frustrating.

I actually called a 3 operative (doing exactly what I do at my job) to find out what my options were and found out just how utterly useless and irritating she was. At least I can be satisfied that I do offer some effort at quality service even if the product makes it hard to achieve this!

Finally the next day I attempted to start the car to go to work and the battery was flat so i arrived 1/2 an hr late. The only positive from all this is that I might get fired....

Meh. life goes on. I have little money as I have been off work with back issues but all the same, I have a great house with adria, bruce and ange next door, michelle has moved closer and my inner circle of friends has never been healthier.

It all balances.
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