quick post.

Apr 05, 2007 19:16

just a few dot points because so much is happening and I have no time to write it all down (plus I have no 'puter at the mo).
in no particular order...
1) How the hell did I end up working full time at a call centre????? For a company I despise? (telstra btw)
2) How the hell did I end up in a monogamous relationship with my former fuckbuddy? And further more why am I so happy about it?????
3) I wont make it to Brisbane IV. This isnt such a tragedy now that I am in fact monogamous. Though I will regret that I wont catch up with all you cool dudes.
4) Instead I am going to Cirque du Soleil's latest production with Adria. In fact she bought me a ticket for Xmas having no idea we wld still be together (though I am beginning to think she might have had a plan...).
5) I need to catch up with my sadly neglected friends.
6) I havnt played go for ever!!!!!
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