I'm 'whelmed. I'm over, under, extra, extra super, OMGWTFBBQ 'whelmed. I keep watching my house, that I have known my entire life, lose the little things that gave it so much charm. Almost my entire life is in boxes now, and I just don't know if I'm ready to walk out that door forever, to cross that threshold, with the words "Love Lives Here" forever etched into its very foundation, for the very last time.
My friends threw me an incredible surprise going away party on Saturday, complete with Doctor Who impersonators. I was astounded by the number of people who were there to send us on our way. People came from all over, quite a few making super long drives just to be there for us. I am going to miss these people so fracking much, it hurts my heart even think about leaving them. My best friend is doing everything in her power to keep it together, but I know her heart is breaking into a million tiny pieces.
I don't know how people survive this.
I've never been with change.
I don't want to go!