First Day of Work

Nov 22, 2010 20:23

 So, all in all I had a pretty good first day. I worked from 2-8pm. It seemed to go on forever, but I tried to keep myself busy... even though there wasn't really much to do. There were two... interesting things that happened. One good, and one bad, so they kind of evened each other out.

I was standing by the flower cooler and this lady comes up and asks about the lilies. I tell her they're a very fragrant flower and really pretty and all that, and she looks at me and just tells me that it's for a grave site and she says "I don't think my son will know the difference." So... I just shut up and busied myself doing things that aren't necessary.

Then later when I took my break I sat down at the little food court area and had to ask this guy if I could sit with him 'cause it was so busy. So we got to talking and he asked about what I want to do and I got to talking about going to Japan. He told me that immersing myself in it would really help me to learn the language, 'cause it worked from him when he was a boy coming over from Mexico. He said he came over the border as a young man for the adventure, and then when he went back to Mexico years later he couldn't stay because it wasn't the same. And he spoke really good English so it wasn't like he was saying that and speaking broken English at me >> Anyway, when I got up at the end he told me that maybe I'll marry a nice Japanese guy x3 and that he would be the lucky one.

Gave me back my good mood~ Which lasted until I got to go home, and I kept smiling at people and genuinely having a good night. It was sooooooo slow though. Thanksgiving is not a big enough holiday to hire three extra people to help out... But I'm not complaining, I get hours. I work for three hours tomorrow... and then seven the next day.

And my first real day of work starts December 4th. 


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