"Why can't little kids tie their shoes, and why can't white people play the blues?"

May 25, 2008 20:03

I've been utterly amazed by this spring. It's the first time in 3 years that I've seen a midwest spring, a thing which can be compared to spring nowhere else. part of this may be because the winters here are so impossible. This year trees were destroyed, buildings encrusted with ice, park benches and small children buried beneath drifts of snow. Iron grey skies were punctuated by painfully bright and frigid days. In the clutch of such a thing, it is impossible to believe in spring. You just know that this year it will not come and when the snow finally melts, the world beneath will be left a stark wasteland. When the spring comes it is a miracle. The trees you knew would never leaf again suddenly burst into bloom and the entire world is filled with the scent of apple blossoms and the sounds of laughter and birdsong. I had forgotten.
Now it is nearly summer. today was hot and muggy, grey and misty. I was supposed to be terribly productive, but I have yet to start my homework. The year is nearly over and most of my room is already packed up. Plans are made for a Wednesday exodus down to Hanover. I'll be awfully sorry to leave my little room, but can't wait to go and rearrange my room at home. I'm looking forward to a summer of house sitting, watching movies and cleaning out all of the closets. I may even have a yard sale.
I feel very removed here. I know that it's the place because all of it disappeared when I was away during spring break, it disappears in Mexico as well. On a happy note, it means that I won't miss anyone over the summer, nor any of the graduating seniors who I will likely never see again. As much as I may like some of them, I don't really care about them.
And I'm off to finally do some French homework, followed by translations which started off as an amusing diversion and have morphed into extra credit. Yay!
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