Feb 22, 2007 10:14
our fearful sleep is done!
ok, I won't slander Walt Whitman's good works any further.
Hurray! We ordered a mattress and a "divan" which is similar to a box spring only...completely different. We decided we would just put our frame AROUND the divan, that way my flimsy ass fame doesn't have to support our weight (and/or activities) and the cats can't hide under the bed (poor babies). Weird ass Brits, what the hell is wrong with the invention of the BOXSPRING? They are also REALLY big on PLAID mattresses here. Not in any tartan or anything cool like that, but just ugly pastel plaids. I couldn't stand it. for some reason, mattresses that look like that remind me of heroin addicts. Does that make sense? Absolutely not! But they do. Our mattress is NOT plaid. So, no heroin addicts allowed!
Anyway, we ordered it and it will be here in 2-3 weeks. Sucks that none of the places who had NEXT DAY delivery had anything good but oh well. We have been sleeping on the futon. Until we have another guest...Adri is up next...then we will return to our ever flattening air mattress and suffer until we get our beautiful bed.
Adri is up in t'North at the moment with her bloke but will be down here at the end of the month (26, 27, 28). I bought beer for her to share with us but it might be gone by then. As I am certain she probably drank any Duty Free gifts for us with her dude. Cause, well, that's Adri.
Also, I pick up my kitties on March 2 at Heathrow on Virgin flight 20, or whichever one it is that comes in here. 19 or 20, one goes out to SF one comes in. I ordered a litter box for them and kitty bowls, as well as some "PLUR" Felix "I love you, have my food!" treats. They will make me happy, Salem will lose weight and I will be less stressed. Kitties and doggies are known to lower blood pressure, and I could use it!
Yesterday was gorgeous out but I spent it doing lame housework, today is typical British weather but maybe the sun will break through. If it does, I am going out. Because for the next few days, I am stuck inside awaiting deliveries and such. So, gotta get out while I can. That is all for now.