Well, not really. Stomach's aching a little. Glad I'm not in work today since me and Chris woke up at 10am this morning. We slept so much last night! I woke up at 4am dazed and confused.
Had the weirdest of dreams last night- it involved twins in corridors and me shouting racist obscenities to someone..although I'm still not too sure if that was real or fake. I'm not sure. I hate vivid dreams- I'm never too sure where to draw the line on reality. :s
It's before 1pm so I can maintain it's not the afternoon-therefore, it is permissible for me to still be in a bathrobe.
Got feedback from one of my online forum submissions towards my philosophy module- got 7/10 which I hilariously made up. Told me I was poetic but brought nothing new to the table :) it's always the way with these assignments...
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