Title: The Ringmaster 1/4
Rating: nc-17 overall
Character/Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Wordcount: approx 2,500 words complete
Summary: AU set sometime in the 19C before medical hygiene and dermal regenerators, McCoy, the circus hobo clown is summoned by ringmaster, Kirk, who needs some medical attention.
Warnings: There’s a fleeting appearance by a snake
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Loved the images and the whole feel of it back in the 19th Century. Men in suits make me *swoon*. All trussed up and many layers that are just so delightful to take off and reveal little bits at a time.
Thanks for letting me know you like it and for wanting a sequel! *blushes* I'm sure I'll get to it soon. I need to know what happens next or, should I say, in which position?
Take all the time you need to get it right. :D We will be waiting to lap it right up.
The suit bit starts in Act Three. It was my first ever prompt writing really and well I changed it up a bit cause the original prompt wasn't really something Bones would do I think. ;) The end of the suit section has a link to the pics of what I was imagining them both wearing.
You are most definitely not a random person ;)
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