Title: One Size Fits All - 1/1 (Star Trek RPS)
Rating: nc-17
Character/Pairing: Chris Pine/Karl Urban
Wordcount: approx 2,480 words (complete)
Summary: Chris tries to persuade Karl that the only thing to wear with a dinner jacket is a traditional bow-tie.
Warnings: RPS, Chris acting like a princess.
Disclaimer: I mean no offence and court no
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OOh, too much to comment on. First, YES! *fist pump* for writing to 2 of my favorite images.
Second, THIS: Meanwhile, Karl’s on his knees, Chris’ really valid point’s being sucked out of his dick - how’s he even got a chance of talking Karl round, when he’s ‘putting up with’ brutal suction from that dirty, filthy mouth?
...had me DED ON ARRIVAL. JesusMary&Joseph, but this is--oh yeah, this is just fabulous.
Pouty Chris--pretty much my favorite thing ever because Chris is so pretty when he pouts. And of course, Advisor!Zach, who wins at everything. "First foray into peen": dear God I nearly choked when I read that whole section. Don't overwhelm to poor het boy too much...hee!
Loved that whole discussion about Chris being old Hollywood and Karl just being a jobbing actor--I imagine that is exactly how Karl sees himself, but he's also an actor with enough street cred to choose his own path, which is very powerful.
The tie-tying lesson--*dies* Just dead of the hot brain images there. And the BJ, and turning Chris inside out--yeah, baby, totally understandable.
OOh, I'm just so overwhelmed you wrote this fab fic for me. *SQUEES* Thank you so much, my sweet!
Yeah, the tie-tying lesson, I did research, lol, for YOU! What a hardship ;D See, even though I wrote this from Chris' POV, I can just imagine how hot he looked to Karl while he did it, so yeah - nice image:D
I'm thrilled you like it, just very sorry it took me so long to get it done. *hugs*
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