The Ultimate Kissing Survey
Age of first kiss: 14
Number of people you've kissed: Errr... Millions?? I stopped keeping track!!
French kissing is: Using your tongue to kiss
The worst kind of kiss is: Mushy, Sloppy Kisses
The best kisser you know: mMm, I will def. keep that to myself!! mwahahaha
The worst kisser you know: Neil (last name witheld to protect the innocent)
The celebrity you'd like to kiss: Colin Ferrel, He is Soo! Hot
Friend you would like to kiss: Uhh..... I think I might have kissed many of them, Can I include my Hot Pharmecist?
Favorite movie kiss: 10 Things I Hate About You
Do you kiss on the first date? If you are lucky, but usually if I like you, yahhh
Eyes open or closed? Closed/Half-Open
Average number of kisses you get a day: Uhh Depends. maybe two or three
Ever kissed a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend? Not a friends
The last person you kissed: Jeff
Best placed to be kissed:
Have you kissed someone of the same sex? Yahhh . . . . . damn alcohol
What about the opposite sex? Ugh, I like boys!!!
Do you consider kissing cheating? Not really
The longest you've gone without a kiss: Like a week maybe?
The kiss you regret most is: Some guy named James, not James Huval - in case you read this!
Kissing in public is: Okay sometimes, as long as it isn't all PDA-ness
Tongue rings are: Sexy, ;)
Two girls kissing is: Mehhh, do what you wanna do, ain't putting no fire to my loins
Two guys kissing is: Mehh.... I will pass
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