What a great weekend

May 09, 2005 10:58

For something that went off relatively unplanned, I don't think it could have been much better.

Late Friday night, I drove down to the 'burg, broke into my house, and crawled into my very comfortable bed. Comfortable not only because it really is, but because compared to the slatted wooden futon frame I've been using for the past couple of months, it's a cloud.

James came home from...I dunno, random late-friday-night stuff that happens around W&M, at about 3am and woke me up. We talked shit for about 2 hours until his NyQuil kicked in, at which point he stopped caring about anything I had to say and just grunted. He did manage to wake me up a couple of times to tell me to stop snoring. So thoughtful.

I got up at 6 (yes, I got about 1 hour of sleep...more or less), puttered off to Waller Mill Park, met with Rob, and commenced a morning of lazily meandering around the lake in a boat, putting metal barbs through the heads of minnows and tossing them into the water in the hopes that their vain attempts to escape would entice larger fish to eat them. We talked about likely schemes for taking over the known universe and common problems with MMOs.

I got back home around 1:30 in the afternoon, and decided that more sleep sounded good. I got up again in the evening and played World of Warcraft until I got tired. James woke me up about 10 or 15 times during the night to keep me from snoring. So thoughtful.

Sunday morning, James and I went out and grabbed some breakfast at our usual joint. It turns out that all the girls I know on campus live in one place, so we figured we'd head over there. Julia and Emily were there, along with Em's parents, who tried to feed us upside-down cupcakes dressed up to look like graduation hats. She introduced me as "that guy who set fire to his beard". In an inhuman feat of deduction that took about 10 minutes, I realized that Emily had finished school, and expressed my heartiest congratulations while trying to stay out of her way as they packed up her belongings.

I was also highly amused by what originally appeared to be an in-depth genealogy tree of some presumably historical figure(s), consisting of six feet of paper hanging down one wall of the lodge, carefully penned, and commented that someone must have been studying REALLY hard for exams to put so much work into something...only to discover on closer examination that it was a tolkien tree with a bunch of elvish names that I have never seen before and would not dare try to pronounce for fear of being corrected by everyone I know (all of whom seem to have read every tolkein book 5 or 6 times....well, at least I can claim Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy superiority over each and every one of them).

Matt made an appearance, and I promptly hoisted him into the air by way of greeting. He looks lovely with the braids and flowers in his hair, by the way. Audrey and Jason (ack, he has no website!) were coming back from some random relaxing outing when I leapt at them from behind the door and crushed them both in a furious bear hug that lifted them off their feat and sent Audrey into a short-lived screaming fit until she realized it was me. I guess I really missed them :)

After a while, with the exception of Em, who was still packing, we wandered off to the sunken gardens to play some frisbee. We had a great time, screwing up shots and talking smack and telling off-color jokes and getting sunburned and tired. Mike even showed up - apparently he's graduated now but will be hanging around at school doing some work for one of the professors on a UN project. Very cool.

We stopped for drinks. Most of us got simple sodas, but Audrey decided she needed some liquid passion and I went for the $8 mango tango smoothie, which Matt was thoughtful (gullible?) enough to pay for. Then we demonstrated our geekiness by going outside to play frisbee under a giant tent so we wouldn't have to be exposed to the sun.

Eventually, I got downright pooped and sore, so I took my frisbee and went home, after throwing Audrey down on the bricks right in front of her fiancee and otherwise expressing my sincere regards for everyone else. I showered and changed, then relaxed until it got late.

I drove back up on half a tank of gas, managing to go through 3 sodas without a pit stop, and got home at 1:30 this morning. Up at 8, at the office by 9:20.

Anyway, it was a great weekend. I'm full of warm fuzzies - I don't think I ever felt so welcome and included. Thanks to everyone who participated, we totally need to do this again sometime.


Regarding the following:

Yes, I am evil. I am a selfish bastard and would willingly cause others pain for my own benefit. I've been jaded.

On the other hand, note the 80% CG score. I enjoy doing the "right thing" and helping people out. I try to be a good and faithful friend to everyone who is good and faithful to me.

Judge me at your own peril :)

You scored as Neutral Evil. A neutral evil person does whatever they can get away with. They shed no tears for those they have hurt, and only care about themselves. These people do not necessarily love conflict and chaos, however- they truly care only for themselves. Ignoring laws or using them to their advantage, these people do whatever they can get away with.

Neutral Evil
Chaotic Good
Chaotic Neutral
True Neutral
Chaotic Evil
Lawful Evil
Lawful Good
Neutral Good
Lawful Neutral
What is your Alignment?
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