Out of the negative thought spiral

May 03, 2009 00:21

So I'm feeling a lot better now.

Tomorrow I'm going with a couple of old friends of mine to a fair out near San Deigo. I'm sure it will be fun!

I re-read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and I cried again when Dobby died...and if you didn't know that I'M SORRY I JUST TOTALLY SPOILED IT FOR YOU!

and when Severus died...what a shity life man, Forever with an unrequited love that might of been had it not been for foolish youthful arrogance. SAD
and then he died, cast a fucking villian.

I just have way too much fucking sympathy for characters in these books...except Ginny, I hate her. LOLS

That in and of itself was fun. I also read Blood and Gold and found it to be the same sort of story i've read before from Anne Rice, just with more turmoil over to believe in god or not, but since she wrote a book about jesus, i'm sure she picked to believe in god.

I really can't tell my own future at all, but I don't think I'll ever go back to catholism. Who knows I might turn into an old hypocrit one day, but right now I see it as a no...

I have to admit that whole forgivness of all sins on your deathbed seems like a nice deal, Live a life of sin and greed then repent on your deathbed and get a pass go and land on free parking and collect a tidy pile of bills.

But I digress.

I read Amanda Plamer's birthday blog, and I actually was really interested in what she wrote to Robert Smith...Since I didn't get to see him at Cochella this year, I swear I will see them play again, Curious as hell to know what impressions The Great Smith imparted on her.

I've come to the conclusion I like her more now. I accecpt the fact that she sings better than me but hell not better than Elizabeth, but that suits her.
I felt so disappointed in the last Dolls album, for the four songs I liked there are still songs that I can't say I like at all.

On the other hand, The songs that I thought I didn't like of the Cure's newest album I actually really like. The reasons Why is one that I thought sounded off, something in the lyrics I thought, but as I gave it a second listen I found that I really liked the lyrics and I like the music too.

SO I lIkes it. <3

I actually did more easter eggs this year, but I still haven't got a camra because i'm lazy. LOL

I made afriend of mine into an egg. I didn't attempt to make everyone I know into eggs, frankly I can't eat eggs that often so it takes time to gather the shells up!

I can't find a cook book I made a few years ago, I know I had it up until a few months ago, But I just can't find it.

I really wanted to make a spice cake recipe I had in it. It uses BLACK PEPPER...IN A CAKE!

it's mind boggling and tastey.

I'll post it if I ever find it.

I hope I will.

I want to give everyone hugs!

Today I was in a really good mood, I thought I was going to be uber bitchy and not like the way the day was going to head, but as it pressed on I was having fun and I liked how the day was going.

I went out to dinner with my parents and it was all good. we went to olive garden and the food was good this time! I had chicken!

I always eat chicken... I think it's because beef is always so much more expensive. they should just raise less cows. I always wonder what happends to the meat and stuff that doesn't sell, what happens to it?

I always get sick to my stomach if I think they just toss it out because it went bad. that's so wasteful and disrespectful to the animal.

Either way I still have no idea what happens to it.

My brother said he may move back in june. I look forward for caring for my niecy! Amanda says she can talk babble now. She's four months and can babble 'mommy!'


I don't doubt it because Adrain was a freaking genius baby and spoke two languages in sentences at age two, and he walked at nine months.

Well it's like One I should at least try to sleep.

severus snape chicken love soup!

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