Kids = Future

Sep 30, 2006 11:38

*yawns and stretches* It has been one hell of a week, but the end of it is nigh! Nigh I say, nigh! About 6 hours of work left and then I get some time off. At the end of my shift today I will have worked over 66 hours. That is 26 plus hours of overtime. Lets do some math shall we?

12.24 an hour is what I get. Over time is 18.36 an hour. Sooo…

40*12.24 = 489.60
26*18.36 = 477.36


For one week of work. Of course they will take about 25% of my $$....*sigh*

Didn’t we throw tea into the ocean in Boston because of overtaxation!? I believe that there should be taxes, but frickken A…

25% of 966.96 =241.74
966.96-241.74 =725.22 !


I work really hard for my $$ and I do not think it fair that so much is taken away from me. I think it would be more fair if everyone paid the same amount of tax. A friend at work *while we were speaking on this subject* told me she thought that if everyone paid 5-10% of their earnings with NO TAX CUTS/BREAKS we wouldn’t need as high taxes.

That means the sports guys and the software guys and the rockstars and the stars being taxed 5-10% of their MILLIONS that they earn each year. Seriously who needs that much $$ anyways? WTF.

That way the people who are earning minimum wage can actually make it, and be able to save money and be able to afford to have better things in their lives. Especially the ones with kids. Or the kids who are in college.

I know… $100.000 is a lot of money.. to anyone. But if you earned $1,000,000.00, $100,000 isn’t that big of a dent. Not really.

So.. lets say this 10% tax was in play..

The guy who took home $1,000,000.00 this year would pay $100,00.00.

Me who ears about $24,000.00 in a year would pay $2,400.00.

I don’t earn as much, so I feel that I shouldn’t have to pay as much. It isn’t right that there are people who earn 7.50 an hour and they take home even less than I do. Those people most of the time don’t even get a full 40 hours a week. I know I used to be a minimum wage earner. Of course they most of the time don’t get insurance either. Poor bastards… and most of them unless they live with their parents or like 6 other roommates can’t make it without a second job.

$7.50 * 40 =$300.00

Then of course at about the 25% tax rate…


So the poor bastards take home around… 225 a week.

I know my calculations are off by a bit.. this are estimations based off of what I can remember paying.. so no freaking on me.

So a poorer person only earning $7.50 an hour.. at the 10% tax rate…
They would pay only $30.00 in taxes. 30$.

Think about it. The poor college kids going to school to pay for classes, the single moms with kids, the elderly people working in a grocery store because their social security checks don’t cut it….

Yeah. A better life… For a lot of people…

Of course the other half to this plan is make changes in the way the government spends money.

The country should be run as if it were a business, but with less corporate crap flying around. This country needs to make money for itself and it need to start taking care of our own people.

How can we properly help other countries when we cant even take care of ourselves? HOW!?

Its like a person.. if a person is fucked up in the head and can barely take care of themselves how are they going to help a friend in need…

We need to stop trying to play police of the world and take care of our country.

Our future is at stake.

Our schools are failing. Our children aren’t getting the education they need. They are our future and they should be THE PRIORITY. Our kids. Everyone of them. Healthcare for them, better schooling for their teachers, longer school years, smaller classrooms, more technology. College to be paid for by the government.

It could happen. Especially if our politicians take a paycut, and if our GLORIOUS president stops taking a damn vacation every three weeks.

Yes it is a stressful job to help run the country, but seriously is there a need to keep PAYING them after they get out of office!?

I mean if you get fired from your job, they don’t keep paying you for it….

So.. yeah.. those are some changes that I would try to make…if I were in charge or if anyone in charge would listen to me..

Get the fuck out of all the other countries.

Focus on changing the spending habits.

Change the tax system.



Did I say the most important one to me?


There. My rant on taxes and the government and what I think we should do. Maybe someday if I get the energy to do it.. and the MEN (and lets face it some women are sexist against us too...) of our country get over themselves I’ll try to run for president. …. Maybe.

Yeah I know not all of you are like that…

But there is still a lot of sexist crap going on in this country and as much as we toot our horn about being EQUALL… it isn’t true..

Not when women earn less money doing the same job as a man, and not when a woman gets sneered at and laughed at when she reaches for something higher…

If you aren’t pissed, you all aren’t paying attention to what is going on in this world.

I don’t condone anger all time… no one could do that..
But we gotta do something…

Or nothing will ever change.

Schools and kids need to be first.

Our future needs to be first.

With love and grace and anger and fury
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