House and Home

Sep 03, 2010 07:28

Long time no write, not because LJ isn't great, but because I use a lot of twitter now. Will try to remedy or at least post links. Mostly, the big news is that my boyfriend and I have bought a house this summer. It takes a lot of work to keep up with, not to mention the numerous repairs that need to happen. Why is it that it takes forever for workmen to get back to you? I know it's the busy season, but a phone call with an estimate would be nice so I no how much of my savings I'll never see again :D

Painted some of the walls grey (when they were a light viagra blue shade). Also scored a great velvet armchair at St. Vinnies. Hopefully will post pics or start writing in my blog again. Wish me luck!

home, house, decor

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