
Apr 27, 2008 19:51

Hiya, fellow fiends and or obsessive stalkers. My name is Sango and I am here to lay down my thoughts, 'cause apparantly, the real world cant handle it. I am into fanfic, mostly naruto, particularly yaoi. Yet over the past few months I have come to know and love, as well as obsess over, Nightmare (Naitomea) and suddenly I had a vision. It was truly disturbing and I just had to make a profile here to post it. If i were someone else I'd be ashamed. But all i feel is frustrated. I wrote a Nightmare fanfiction. this one involved all the members. at first I wrote about it as they were: Yomi, Hitsugi, Sakiot, Ni~ya and Ruka. But then I began to draw similarities between Nightmare and Naruto, strangely enough. and the most curious thing occured. Yomi is Naruto, obviously. Ruka is Shikamaru, its clear to see. Hitsugi, shy beautiful Hitsugi (i bet you cant guess who im obsessing over), would be Gaara. *gasp* i know, i had a hard time with it too, but its the perfect comparison (it was either gaara or shino-- i went with gaara). Ni~ya, the bad boy of the group is, strangely enough, sasuke. i was dileberating between sasuke and neji, but i thought neji would make a better sakito. but thats just me. 
hit me up if you interested in the twisted workings of my mind, or if you want to prove me wrong.


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