(no subject)

Feb 28, 2013 19:38

Title: untitled
pairing: kyusung
genre: ....i dont even know anymore.
AN: i have no idea why i keep writing this, but when i finally get somewhere with it, i hope it'll be good.
i told myself i would finish it and by god i shall finish! lol.

“God I feel like spanking that brat!” Sungmin huffed to Yesung as Kyuhyun continued to taunt Hyukjae with his strawberry milk, using his superior height to hold it away from the milk lover. Yesung sighed, shaking his head a wry smile on his lips. Baby Kyu was such a cutie when he wanted to be.

“Kyu~~!” The monkey whined, unable to reach his precious milk.

“Yah, Kyu-ah, give him his milk already.” His deep baritone carried to the other side of the room and almost immediately Kyuhyun’s arms dropped, giving Hyukjae his milk.

Everyone, except Sungmin, were surprised at Kyuhyun listening to Yesung and being so obedient so quickly.
Sungmin snickered to himself. This was going to be a piece of cake.

Sunday morning came as a blessing to everyone. One whole day of nothing. A day to recharge their batteries and just be couch potatoes, as well as getting well deserved rest. Kyu was busy playing StarCraft when Sungmin entered the room. An explosion could go off behind him and Kyuhyun wouldn’t care until he passed a level or saved his game. Staring at the back of Kyuhyun’s head for about five minutes was becoming increasingly dull. Surely Kyu would get annoyed at being watched like that? He sighed and left the room. Yesung was on his bed reading, ddakkoma on his bed with him.

“So hyung,” Sungmin strolled in, as though he did it every day and they were the closest of friends.
Sungmin almost never entered his room unless necessary and the two barely had anything in common to strike up a conversation. To say that Yesung was surprised was understated.

“Hey Sungmin-ah. What brings you here?” Yesung asked, curious, as he put down his book and sat up.

“Kyu’s been freaking me out lately. He’s been acting weird.”

“What do you mean?” Yesung’s brows furrowed slightly. Kyuhyun never behaved strangely. Well, in Super Junior strange was the norm. It was normal Sungmin that weirded him out, honestly.

“He’s being a lot more clingy lately and he keeps moaning in his sleep saying ‘hyung~’.” He even imitated the way Kyu moaned the word.

If Yesung had been drinking anything he would’ve choked on it. Fortunately the only thing that managed to come out was a spluttered, ‘wh-what?!” as his cheeks turned a fetching shade of red.

“Sungmin-ah! Why the hell do I want to know that?!” He exclaimed, still blushing. The very vivid memory of walking in on Kyuhyun moaning in his sleep, hips thrusting against the bed, panting as he came, cheeks squeezing, were starting to make his own pants tight at the crotch.

“Oh, I’m just saying what’s been happening at night. I can’t sleep that well cuz you know light a sleeper I am.”
Yesung didn’t know what to say to that, still trying to calm his rising blood pressure. Pretty soon he was going to pop a boner and he so didn’t want Sungmin to see.

Yesung could be so oblivious, Sungmin thought, unaware of Yesung’s current dilemma. He rolled his eyes and said it straight out. Maybe then Yesung would understand.

“Can I room with Wookie for a while until Kyu gets over whatever is in his system?”

“And where am I supposed to sleep?” Yesung questioned, having a bad feeling about not liking the answer Sungmin was going to give him. He didn’t know if his body could handle the nightly dreams.

“Well in my room of course!”

“What?!” Didn’t you just say he waked you up with this…noise.” He hesitated over the last word, getting red again.

“Why would I move in hen you want to move out?”

“Because you barely sleep so you won’t even be there most of the time, and when you do sleep you’re a heavy sleeper so the sound shouldn’t bother you. And you won’t have to get up in the morning to travel across the dorm to turn off his alarm when I’m not there.” Sungmin pointed out each point with a finger, crushing all of Yesung’s objections with his logic.

He forgot to mention that not only was Kyuhyun moaning ‘hyung’ at night but on more than one occasion the words ‘harder’ ‘deeper’ and ‘Yesung’ had escaped the maknae in wanton moans. The next couple of days were going to be very entertaining.

Yesung was not moved by Sungmin’s logic. He liked where he slept, no matter how rare it was lately, and his pets were here and he was comfortable.

But just as he was going to open his mouth to tell him no and to go ask someone else, Sungmin pulled out his greatest weapon. The puppy eyes. No one could resist the puppy eyes. Not Leeteuk-he was such a mom he fell for it every time. Not Kangin, for all his macho man talk of how tough he was. Not even Kim Heechul 4D Super Star Extraordinaire. So Yesung didn’t stand a chance either.

“Please hyung~” Sungmin whined, putting his aegyo full blast.

Yesung sighed as he caved. He knew he was going to regret this.

“Fine! But don’t touch any of my stuff or my turtles.”

Sungmin made a face that clearly said ‘why would I want to touch your stuff?’ but nodded his agreement anyways. Yesung was weird but nice and naïve. Sungmin almost felt bad for what he was doing.


As Kyuhyun was taking off his shirt to go to bed, Yesung walked into the room instead of Sungmin. The maknae was unaware of the new arrangement and continued to dress, a bit more self-conscious now, but trying to appear normal as he said ‘hey, hyung.’ Seeing Yesung in his room wasn’t that strange. Yesung liked to wander to the members’ rooms when he was bored or feeling lonely. Seeing him in his pajamas, the green ones with clouds on them, wasn’t strange either.

What was strange was that, as Kyuhyun pulled back his sheets and climbed into bed, Yesung did the same on the other side of the room.

“Um…hyung.” Kyuhyun said confused and a bit anxious, “Did you forget where you sleep? That’s Sungmin-hyung’s bed.”
Hopefully his laugh didn’t sound as forced as it felt.

“Sungmin will be sleeping in my room for a few days. I switched with him.” Yesung informed him.

Now Kyuhyun was starting to worry, slight panic in his eyes.

“Why?” he all but demanded.

Yesung didn’t want to embarrass Kyuhyun or himself, so he didn’t give Sungmin’s real reason, but he didn’t want to lie either.

“He said he hadn’t been sleeping well and he missed Wookie. I honestly don’t know why, they see each other every day.” He embroidered the truth a little, and he got back at Sungmin-kind of, with his excuse.

Kyuhyun snorted. “He missed Ryeowook? Seriously?”

Yesung gave a non-committal grunt, not knowing how to continue. He really sucked at lying.

“Hm…oh well.” Kyu said, rolling over after he turned off the lamp, plunging the room in semi-darkness.

Damn. Now he was stuck in the room with Yesung on the other bed, less than 10 feet away. He was having the same dream almost every night, sometimes more intense, sometimes with slight variation, but it always ended with him on his stomach, Yesung spanking him and pounding into him. He didn’t know if he could control himself tonight. Being acutely aware of Yesung’s every breath and twitch as he slept, Kyuhyun knew it was going to be a long night. Suffice it to say he didn’t get a restful sleep.

“I don’t see what you’re complaining about.” Yesung said to Sungmin the following morning when they were making their way towards their van to go to their first schedule.

“He didn’t make a peep the entire night.” Yesung elaborated when Sungmin looked a little confused.
Sungmin’s dubious eyes searched for Kyuhyun, the maknae’s body screaming ‘tired!’ as he leaned heavily against Leeteuk, who just thought the maknae wanted attention. Considering how tired Leeteuk himself looked, pulling another all-nighter, Sungmin thought Kyu should be more considerate of their leader’s health.

“Yah Cho Kyuhyun you undeserving maknae, get off Leeteuk hyung right now!” Sungmin said loudly, bringing everyone’s attention to the pair.

“It’s ok, Sungmin-ah.” Leeteuk said with a warm smile, laughing weakly as Kyuhyun pouted, circling his arms around Leeteuk, making them both stumble and side step widely.

“You’re so mean to him, Kyu. You should let hyung rest on you, not the other way around.” Hyukjae pointed out, Donghae stepping forward to separate Koala!Kyu from his latest victim.

“You can lie on me if you want.” Yesung told the pouting Kyuhyun as Leeteuk was separated from him by Siwon, who wrapped strong arms around Leeteuk as they got in the van. With the support Leeteuk was able to get a two hour nap during their trip, the sitting position making it so that Kyuhyun had no choice but to sit next to Yesung-arrangements courtesy of one Lee Sungmin.

Not wanting to seem like he was acting too weird, Kyuhyun leaned his head on Yesung’s shoulder, enjoying the soft way his shoulder rose and fell as he breathed. Soon he was lulled to sleep surrounded by Yesung’s incredible scent.
His sleep wasn’t deep enough that he dreamt, he was just too exhausted to even dream. Yesung had some trouble waking him up. Yesung had begun attempting to wake Kyuhyun up 5 minutes before they reached their destination, yet he still had trouble waking the maknae when they had already parked. Kyuhyun woke up slowly, against his will almost, his eyes feeling like they weighed 10 pounds each. He cuddled deeper into the incredible warmth his head was pillowed on, sucking in a deep breath. He was aware he was leaning on a person, he just didn’t know who and he had forgotten he was still in the car with the other members who by now were gathering their things to leave.

“You smell amazing.” He mumbled into Yesung’s neck, making the older blush to his roots.

“Come on Kyu-ah, you have to wake up.” Yesung’s deep baritone felt like chocolate to his ears and he had no idea how he suppressed a moan. But the reality hit like a bucket of cold water in the voice of one very annoying bunny.

“Wake up Kyu-ah.”

Like a lightning bolt, Kyuhyun sprang up, his neck popping loudly it made even Yesung cringe. He looked like he’d been electrocuted. Even his hair looked like it was standing on end.

“We’re here Kyu-ah.” Leeteuk’s sleep thick voice said from behind him

Why wasn’t the universe more understanding of him and just let him disappear into thin air?

Because that was against the laws of physics apparently.

again....no idea what i'm doing. hopefully it'll get somewhere soon..... UGH!

kyusung, fanfiction, super junior

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