(no subject)

Nov 05, 2012 17:51

title: untitled
author: sango houshi
i honestly dont know where im going with this or why i even started writing it, but hopefully ill update with something soon.

Kyuhyun was one spoiled maknae. Not only was he scary but none of his hyungs could resist his aegyo. And he took complete advantage of that to the fullest. Especially on one turtle loving hyung. Although a few years had passed since his near fatal accident, Kyu could still remember every word in Yesung’s message to him. And to this day the turtle lover had kept his promise about not getting angry at him no matter how much Kyu annoyed the older man.
This worried Kyuhyun, because now the older man was becoming more cold and distant. He kept calling Kyuhyun his gamekyu baby but his words were no longer as warm and his smile didn’t reach his eyes. He felt guilty for causing his hyung so much stress and he knew things were getting to the lead vocalist. Especially when not only he but Donghae also, began annoying him and his lips formed into a tight line as he bit his tongue to not lash out. Yesung grew a lot more agitated and was easily annoyed lately and Kyuhyun knew it was mostly his fault. He was mature enough to admit it was his fault but he didn’t want to shoulder all the blame-the annoying fish had to take responsibility also.
Kyuhyun didn’t know how to appease his favorite hyung even though he did aegyo that would make Sungmin proud or rubbed Yesung’s shoulders when the other was too stressed and stiff to dance properly. And as he began to think of ways to help his most favorite hyung de-stress a very wicked idea sprung to his mind that made other parts of his body spring to attention too. Unfortunately it made his face redder than a tomato and for the first time in all the years he’s known Yesung, he couldn’t look his hyung in the face whenever he was around without blushing like a school girl at all the naughty images his brain conjured.
‘I’m beginning to become like Eunhyuk hyung!’ he thought as he blushed again at the image of himself lying naked under Yesung as the older looked lustfully into his eyes. And that was the most PG of them all! One night he woke up moaning and the next thing he knew he was soiling his sheets as the dream of Yesung pounding him into the mattress, holding his head down and he pulled his hair and spanked his butt were too much for the maknae’s imagination.
‘I’m just sexually frustrated.’ He thought as he wiped the sweat from his forehead, wife beater clinging to his damp skin, his body still trembling with pleasurable aftershocks.
“Damn…that must have been some dream.” Sungmin’s overly amused voice from across the room. Sungmin sat on his bed, laptop perched on his lap watching as Kyuhyun writhed and moaned to invisible hands doing wicked things if those sounds were anything to go by. Kyuhyun, having just realized that he had an audience felt his heart drop to his stomach and he wished the floor would open up and swallow him.
“Oh my god…” he moaned pitifully, his face burned in his hands, the pool of cum on his crotch getting cold and uncomfortable.
“Oh come on Kyu-ah. We’re both guys. When’s the last time you had sex, that you’re so strung up you have such a powerful wet dream?” Sungmin asked a bit sympathetic.
Kyuhyun sighed not wanting to have this conversation with Sungmin when he’d been dreaming about Yesung. For some reason he felt guilty. “Too long hyung.”
“Hmm.” Sungmin hummed in empathy. He had been through some of the same, but never where he woke up mid-orgasm. Kyuhyun must have it bad.
See, that’s why Kyuhyun liked Sungmin so much. His hyung was very understanding and he could talk to him about anything.
“So, which hyung~” he moaned copying Kyuhyun’s sleeping action, “did you dream about?”
Kyuhyun’s jaw hit the floor and his face exploded cherry.
“Hyung~!” Kyu whined beyond embarrassed.
“Now, now, Kyu-ah, that’s not how you said it. I’m pretty sure I copied it better.” Sungmin said chuckling as he avoided the pillow Kyuhyun threw at his face.
Sungmin was the aegyo king and an adorable bunny when he wanted to be but man could be a sadistic bastard too, Kyu thought as he huffed and hurried to the bathroom to wash away the embarrassment and evidence of just how much he enjoyed the dream.
Ever since that dream he began to wonder how it would actually feel; to be punished, spanked, fucked like that by Yesung. He became acutely aware or Yesung’s touch anywhere on his body any time his hyung wanted skinship. His body would tense and his blood grew hot and a shiver ran up his spine every single time and he didn’t know if he could handle the sudden temperature changes every time Yesung was near.
“Uh…hyung.” He choked out when Yesung’s hand grew a bit too close to his growing erection and squeezed his thigh. They were sitting on the couch, watching TV but Yesung was getting a little carried away in his enthusiasm of the show.
But his oblivious hyung didn’t notice anything. Sungmin however, did.
“So that’s who ‘hyung’ is, huh?” Sungmin asked later that night when they were both getting ready for bed. Kyuhyun was just lifting his shirt when he whipped around to face his hyung.
“WHAT?!” he exclaimed ever so eloquently.
“Yesung-hyung.” Sungmin said expectantly knowing he was right. Kyu could be so obvious sometimes.
“He’s the one you were dreaming about, wasn’t it?”

kyusung, fanfiction, super junior

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