Well back to the Doc today, called in this time, wanted to see me today. So I go in after work and these are the results of my latest tests.
There are 4 tests that were done, 1 and 2 tested inside the liver, 3 and 4 tested outside.
1 tested normal
2 double normal levels
3 double normal levels
4 tested normal
That means 1 test inside and out test outside are bad since they are not in the same area its deemed inconclusive.
So sending me back to the lab tomorrow for another lot of tests, from there deciding if to take a ultrasound of the liver or refer me straight to a specialist.
So no work tomorrow, more money lost, back to the lab, more pokes and pricks, and probably no answers till I go to a hideously expensive specialist.
Meh, I just want to know whats wrong...
Our new bed arrived today and its going back tomorrow. There is a rip in the lining and the stitching its really sloppy, its just not good enough, I intend to ruin someones morning before I go in for my tests and if they do not do exactally what I want them to do then they will regret picking up the phone grrrrrrrrrrr.
We have to sleep on the fucking matress on the floor another night, we had the hassle of setting up the new bed only to discover this faulty workmanship and have to take it apart again repackage it manhandle it back into the conservatory and now we have to wait for a fucking replacement, well I can tell you, compensation will be demanded!!!
Can't be bothered writing any more so thats it for now
Meh I just liked it
He who works with his hands is a laborer.
He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.
- Francis of Assisi, 1182 - 1226
This is my field
Hear me scream