Title: Dawdling
Author: sanginmychains
Rating: R
Summary: Well it had to happen eventually.
Thanks to
resourceress for the beta work.
Gwen tips her head back to rest it on the tiles while she closes her eyes. A moment later, she snaps it forward, locking eyes with Jack as if she doesn’t want to miss anything and gripping his shoulder blades. She’s breathing into his face, and not in self-righteous fury for once.
As soon as Jack had realized she was dawdling - she’d actually sat down and opened one of the reports they’d need to file, eventually - he’d known. He’d even let her work for a few minutes. Her eyes had stayed locked to the screen, even when he’d come up behind her and stood there, too close and silent.
She’d kept typing, filling in boxes.
“Not going home to Rhys?”
“He’ll be asleep.”
“You’re not tired?”
“Not really.” With spots of colour high on her cheeks, she’d typed another name and a location. “I’m going to take a shower. Before I go home.” She’d finally shut the file and closed her eyes, or maybe just looked down. Hard to tell at that angle. “Join me?”
She’d waited a second to turn and half look at him for a reaction, so Jack had had more than enough time to arrange his face and body to convey just the right amount of surprise. Not shock. Shock puts her off.
He’s from the future. He has a lot of practice looking surprised at the things that he knows are coming. It makes it easier for everyone else.
And now, with wet hair clinging to her face and neck, her eyes are searching his, so he shows her bland acceptance, he shows her that this is nothing she needs to think about too much. She doesn’t want to think about this. She just wants to do it.
He also shows her how he can hold her up against the wall with just one arm and his hips while he thumbs her right nipple. She likes that, and he adores doing it to her. Her tits are fantastic. He feasts on the sight of them shaking while he fucks her, and her chest and neck flushing as he brings her up higher and higher.
He makes sure that it takes long enough that it’s good, that it’s the mind-blowing fantastic thing she’s obviously built it up to be, but not so long that she has time to think twice about what she’s doing. He’s had this end abruptly in her tears and self-recriminations before. There’s no need for that.
After, she helps herself to a small-dose Retcon pill and puts it in her left pocket. She turns around, eyes wide, half brandishing the pill like she’s a shoplifter about to claim that she intended to pay for it after all. “Jack. I - look. We can’t do this again. Don’t mention this to me later, okay?”
Jack steps in, runs his fingers under her still-damp hair and up the back of her skull, and leans in for a kiss. He loves the way she lets her head rest entirely in his hand.
“I never do.”
She tenses and pulls away. She leaves quickly.