Pay it Forward 2012

Jan 11, 2012 17:20

Via lefaym


My pledge? I promise to make something handmade for the first 5 people who comment on this post.

The catch? You must then post this on your own LJ/FB/Twitter (wherever you like) and make something for the first 5 people who comment on it.

The rules? Items must be handmade* by you and the recipients must receive them before the end of 2012. So what are you waiting for?

*when it says handmade, it doesn't have to be anything major like a chest of drawers. It can be anything as simple as some graphics (if you don't want to give out your address), or a card, or origami, crafts, sewing, knitting, food related, anything at all.

This is my kinda meme. The stuff I make includes knitting and crocheting mostly, and I have recently ended a tea-cozy making madness. I also make muffins, but really, those are best eaten on the same day and probably wouldn't be so nice after 2 weeks in the mail. So I'll stick to non-perishables. Any takers?

making stuff, meme

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