Okay fandom, a topic for discussion. I can afford a tiny splurge -- one episode of Torchwood for my iPod. Which one should it be? Or if you don't have a strong opinion on your favourite, help me decide which one I'll enjoy best
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Oh, that's tough. Hmmm...if I could have only one, it would be Fragments, I think. I was going to say Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, but changed my mind. The backstory is too enjoyable. KKBB has so much entertainment value, though!
Hmm, good argument for both. I think I prefer the character interaction of KKBB, though. Plus a blowfish! Although Fragments might be worth it just to repeatedly play that moment where Jack asks Ianto if he can take the re-location of his shoulder and Ianto gives him that "yes, you nelly" eye roll. I love that.
KKBB is great fun, especially the opening minutes, and the way the team banters is wonderful. I didn't choose it because of it's Jack/Gwen bit. And Fragments has more of Jack/Ianto appeal to me.
Jack asks Ianto if he can take the re-location of his shoulder and Ianto gives him that "yes, you nelly" eye roll and then he SCREAMS! i love that part
i always pick countrycide - it is STILL my favorite episode
Countrycide rocked, and there really is no end of hurt/comfort porn that can be written rooted in that ep. From ridiculous magic cock plots to deeply gorgeous and angsty to totally fucked up.
and then he SCREAMS! i love that part
i always pick countrycide - it is STILL my favorite episode
favorite. episode.
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