Oct 30, 2021 07:55
So, music is fundamental to my life. Music has helped me sculpt my personality and values. Music was my livelihood for many years. Of course, its also true that were it not for music, I never would have met my children's mother.
So, music is super important to me, just generally.
When I moved to America, one of the hardest things for me to get used to is the lack of music in my life, as compared to previously. My gal doesn't like to have music on as background, as she finds it distracting to whatever she's doing or working on. Whereas I find it easier to concentrate when there's music in the background.
My solution has been thus: I spent some time putting together a nice high fidelity turntable system in my man-cave. Most days I'll just take an hour or 2 and sequester myself there to immerse myself in my music.
My gal has been away for a week, so I really over indulged. On Thursday, I spent 8 hours, just listening to albums. I feel sometimes, like I am the last living soul who just puts on a record, sits back and listens to it, without distraction. No phone in hand, no laptop - maybe a joint, but that's it, and doesn't really draw away my attention.
Here's another quirk of mine - there are albums that I've never heard, that I'll wait years - even decades - to listen to. I wait until I have the ideal combination of headspace, company (if applicable), time off, decent hi-fi, and yes, drugs. I particularly like listening to albums for the first time, while trippin'. The reason being that if you've never heard an album, you have no memories associated with the music. Hence, you can let the album take you where it wants to take you, rather than stroll down memory lane.
I never listened to Jimi Hendrix' Electric Ladyland until 2015. On purpose.
This most recent session was a real treat. A few months ago, I acquired, on vinyl, Prince's acoustic album The Truth. It was originally released as part of the Crystal Ball box set (a 5 cd set, released in 1995), which owing to the fact I was a single parent of 2 preschoolers, I could not afford at the time.
So, I waited over 25 years, and finally heard this masterpiece album, by my all time favorite recording artist.
Brand new record, on a brand new turntable, through brand new speakers, and 25 years of anticipation. I wonder if words exist that can adequately relate the level of satisfaction. Good thing the album didn't suck, that would been a helluva anti climax.
prince music hi-fi