like the telly in the US, i have been on hiatus. so what's been happening the last few weeks? anyone want to give me their three-line update?
for people waiting on me to update my Spuffyfic, i'll get onto it, sorry for the delay.
i have been:
* not building the shed yet. this is kind of a pain, as it means i am without writing space. but i have learned in my life to be patient for many things.
* watching lots and lots of West Wing. now have to get caught up with S3 and 4, but not right now because my husband will divorce me, and also -
* Supernatural has started again! yay! i love my stupid show. and Heroes is Coming Soon, apparently.
* doing archery with my sons. i have realised that the key to not wrecking so many arrows so fast is: get a bigger target. but i still have to figure out what's better for our purposes - carbon, aluminium, fibreglass? what's the value option? the kids are geting better but their aim is still average (um, my aim is still average), so i don't want to spend a fortune on new arrows only to have to spend more in a fortnight.
bantha_fodder, help please?
* being a bit sick with flu. blergh.
* listening to the Best of ELO. yes. *facepalm*
the holidays are drawing to a close, and it makes me kinda bedraggled already to think how busy term is going to be. one kid in Class 1, one in Kindergarten, one starting to crawl. my guy is starting 4 days of work a week - he's been on three - so i'm not super-excited. yeah - *sigh*
i need to go rejuvenate myself with some good fic now. see ya.