so - the Update of Gloom? not so much. but the Update of Ongoing Tiresomeness? well certainly yes. because we are all still ill. would somebody please tell me how the fuck you get rid of this goddamn flu virus that's going round all over the place? because i am totally OVER IT. i have sore-throat-and-runny-nose thing again (4th time? 5th time? SINCE APRIL), and i just want it to be GONE GONE GONE.
and i want to be able to stop blowing my son's nose.
anyway, in other news -
1) i planted a new fig tree to replace the one that died.
2) me and the boys have started planting our seeds - five little seed boxes all in a row in the Greenhouse of Garden Fulfillment and Joy. (
meyerlemon, if you're going to decorate your Pretend Farmhouse, you need a Greenhouse of Garden Fulfillment. they're excellent.)
3) it is raining outside. lightly, but still - water, falling from the skies. i don't know if you guys reading LJ get this, but there's kind of a water crisis happening in Australia right now. like, our nearest regional centre, Bendigo, has only a few weeks of potable drinking water left. and that's not including showers and gardens and stuff. and there's no significant rain forecast for spring. so, yeah - crisis. we are on tankwater, but still, we've started talking about ways of conserving, like washing our clothes/showering less frequently, doing dishes in a bucket etc. it kind of breaks my heart not to shower at least once a day (omg, and summer is coming up soon!) but it's kind of serious.
4) a woman i know who's having a baby came to me asking for advice - her ob/gyb was telling her that her baby wasn't in a good birthing position (she's only 34 weeks!! for god's sake!) and advising her to consider a caesarean. i mean, for cryin' out loud, DO DOCTORS WANT TO BRING EVERY FRICKING BABY INTO THE WORLD BY C-SECTION??? this is so wrong - women are so pressurised to medicalise their pregnancy and labour every step pf the way these days. it makes me so mad!! anyway, i've had three women come to me for advice lately - i'm starting to feel like the local childbirth educator. maybe i should re-train...
5) i'm both guilty and glad (i know it's pathetic! shut up!) to say that i had a cigarette the other day...and omg, heaven! i think if i could have one a week from now to the end of days i'd be happy. considering my track record i could probably stick to that too. which makes it even harder to Just Say No. sigh.
6) things that men do that i love: the man-smell. that pheremone-thing, with the light perspiration and the salt and the marrow-of-their-bones scent and mmm...
okay, i have more stuff, but i will have to do more posts.