omg, thank the lord i finally got around to updating, and as it's 2am i should do it quick before i lose all motivation.
and also, glad i finally read my flist stuff, or i would never have known that
meyerlemon has tagged me to explain 5 Guilty Pleasures, thus actually giving me something interesting to write about, apart from crapping on about being pregnant, which i'm sure most of you are finding tedious beyond words by now.
so, i forgot to copy/paste from her LJ, but basically, i have to create an entry and give details of 5 guilty pleasures and then tag five other people at the end, and repeat this rule in my entry? i think? i hope that's correct, as i am too lazy to go back and check.
so my pleasures are:
1)sitting down, reading. because the pleasures of actually sitting down are not to be denied. and the combination of sitting down and reading - uninterrupted for a stretch of whole minutes - is incontrovertible proof that there really is some Higher Power at work in the universe.
2)re-watching Ryan Reynolds in Blade:Trinity over and over again because i am a sad obsessive. yeah, i know - i'm, like, an old lady. so it's technically like cradle-snatching or something. except he's all with the mmm and the MMM and the stuff. gah.
bantha_fodder, when are you writing me some more Hannibal/Abby fic? huh?
3)reading fic/playing on my puter late into the night when my beloved is out of the house. this is becoming both a guilty pleasure and an inaccessible one, as my capacity to sit at a desk diminishes as time goes on and my belly gets too uncomfortable. but, like now, i'm on a roll. and yes, tomorrow - when i'm making boiled eggs and toast soldiers at some ridiculously early hour of the morning for my sons - i will suffer. if there's no guilt and suffering, where's the pleasure?
4)baking. because baking implies eating, and therein lies the guilt. i have a great recipe for best-ever chocolate fudge cake, if you want it. also, little jam drop biscuits with custard powder, and caramel tart, and other very nice things... i am trying not to gain too much weight while preggers, cos y'know, it's all gotta come off again afterwards. so no one mention baking.
5)my Ultravibe Pleasure 3000 - kidding. actually, it's going down the pub all alone on Sunday afternoons for a whole few hours to write. yes, this is what happens when you have children. everybody out there, kicking back on the weekends and reading the paper in bed and painting toenails and stuff, lap it up dudes. three hours a week of solitary-time feels like a lot to me, and boy it feels nice.
and finally, you'll notice that i very prominently DID NOT mention smoking in my list, as it is not something that i can do now, and maybe not anymore, although i do feel like smoking sometimes, and i watched something on the telly just yesterday that made me think 'mm, ah - a fag would hit the spot nicely", but i of course did not act on that impulse. ask me again in about 12 months how i'm going with that.
and of course you will all laugh about me calling a cigarette a fag, but that's just what we do down here.
so, i tag, um:
niz4, because i'm pretty sure that i can guess about 4 of her guilty pleasures, but i want to see if i'm right; and also
bantha_fodder, who needs no encouragement but we'll give it to her anyway; and
sloanesomething as i want to hear about why she won't use toasters; and
mnemosyne, like she has nothing better to do; and
realtanala, because i wonder what other sinful things go on apart from the creation of wicked icons.
on another subject - 'Ginger Snaps II'. quite fascinating exploration of female sexuality and its non-stereotypical representation in mainstream cinema, or totally un-subversive schlock exploitation text?? you be the judge.
i'm wondering now if this is the film i saw that provoked my cigarette lust.
today i: pulled potatoes, went to the pool with the boys, picnicked with friends/families at the park, went to the library, went to the shops, tried to go to the barber with ben and failed, had a late dinner, watched Buffy and Firefly with a friend who had never seen anything by Joss before - she converted, of course.
am reading 'If This Is A Man' by Primo Levi - excellent - and the Complete Stories of Roald Dahl - fantastic.
okay, i really gotta go now. have a nice day