(no subject)

May 14, 2005 23:23

hey today was quite amusing.
got up at about 10ish...got ready for performance, performed at about 2-3ish.
then i stayed at home all day and because it was sunny, mum decided we should sit and chill in the garden so we got some cake and then i went back in for a knife...well anyway we were sitting and relaxing when i went back in to get a brush to groom jimmy[rabbit], so inside i went to get it then on my way back into the garden i shut the door not knowing THE LATCH WAS DOWN. so, my mum goes, "you havnt just shut the door have you?" and i was like shit shit please dont tell me we're locked out please pleeeaase, "we're locked out!!!" ohhhhhhhhh CRAP. i was like slapping myself stupid stupid god it was quite funny at the same time though becauuse i'd already locked myself out of my bedroom twice which doesn't have a key, just a latch. im not very good with latches :( ... so my mum was looking around to see how we could get in and had some money so thought she would do and get a knife and i was like whoooooooooo! i brought one for the cake!! so because we have sash windows [i think thats how you spell it] my mum got the knife and hammered it between the top half and the bottom half until it came through on the other side, so we could push the hook thing across. In the end we opened it lol, mums getting really good at thins breaking into houses and rooms thing lol. Ive locked myself out of my room before as well lol - it hasnt got a key, just a latch [ which i already said im not good with] and mum had to break into that.
anyway it was quite funny and im going to try REALLY REALLY hard never to lock myself/us out of anything ever again.
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