NO. FREAKING . WORDS. I've just seen it. In fact, I'm here waiting outside the theater because my sis, her boyfy and everyone else that came got a different showing because they wanted to watch it dubbed. I hate dubbed movies, but I can totally understand. They wanted to SEE the movie without having to bother with subtitles and boy I can understand how hard would be to keep up with the awesomeness and still have to read subtitles. I'm just glad I don't need them.What the hell was that!? EPICNESS!!! Best hero movie ever made. Everyone was on top performance and had they equal share of awesome. So hard to get with so many characters on screen. Anyway, I'll just say ditto to everything you wrote. And that it's SO hard to concentrate with SO MUCH PRETTY on screen all the time. I might have swoon a bit during the movie. Just a bit. I was all the time switching faves, lol. But now we have a definite winner. Chris Evans wins my oscar of prettiness and the Capt is my new favorite. I loved his feeling out of place and how he was such a natural leader kicking ass and saving people. Long ramble just to say ditto, huh?
They wanted to see it dubbed? I never understand people who do LOL Although yes, in 3D I can't watch the subs either. I'm glad I don't need to, because whenever I checked it out I got dizzy LOL Stupid 3D..
IT WAS AWESOME WASN'T IT OMFG!!!! So glad you enjoyed it too hun :D
Haha funny, my other friend also came out suddenly going: OMG CHRIS EVANS OMG CAP!! XD Bless! :D
So much pretty on the screen though right? I'm so glad I'm not the only one having a hard time concentrating LOL
LOL. I really, REALLY need to see it again, but the nearest theater is so far away and so expensive. But, oh so worth it. Really torn but I can't really afford it. Or I shouldn't. So hard listening to reason right now. The theater near where I live just shows dubbed movies. =( Maybe I'll find other means until I get paid.
There isn't a movie theatre close by that shows an undubbed version? How sucky is that!!! :O
I know what you mean about reason.. My reason has jumped out of the window for a while, gone on holiday. I've already seen it twice, will see it again on Tuesday and then again in the weekend.. don't tell anyone, it's not like I can afford it :o
Can I say I have seen it again and NOT in a theater? Quality isn't great but it should take the edge off until I get paid. I'll have to wait a week. =(
I'm afraid I'll have to resort to that too once its out of cinemas and I know there isn't a chance I will see it again for MONTHS. Hey, can't exactly say they're losing money on us, can they?
IT WAS AWESOME WASN'T IT OMFG!!!! So glad you enjoyed it too hun :D
Haha funny, my other friend also came out suddenly going: OMG CHRIS EVANS OMG CAP!! XD Bless! :D
So much pretty on the screen though right? I'm so glad I'm not the only one having a hard time concentrating LOL
Ditto works for me XD
Too. Much. Guh.
I know what you mean about reason.. My reason has jumped out of the window for a while, gone on holiday. I've already seen it twice, will see it again on Tuesday and then again in the weekend.. don't tell anyone, it's not like I can afford it :o
Apparently there are others means out there ;)
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