Jan 07, 2010 01:53
Wow I haven't done one of these things in forever... and so...
2007: A Year In Review.
best _____ of the year:
1. party: Hmmm, didn't do much in the way of parties this year... Halloween was a blast, because how can time spent as Mario not be? Oh and the Jewtastic Christmas Blowout was a rousing success yet again.
2. show: Let's see for me that would have to be Chuck. It hooked me from the get-go. Dorky sales-rep, smokin hot undercover spy, plus Cobb from Firefly... how can you go wrong?
3. cd: That would have to be The Cat Empire's "Two Shoes" CD, I've listened to it dozens of times whether on my iPod or in the car...
4. movie: I dunno really, Superbad is up there... and um... we'll just leave it at that.
5. song: The Car Song- Cat Empire
6. experience: Ummm...
7. concert: After starting off incredibly slowly since September I have seen Cake, Bruce, Billy Joel, and Dave Matthews Band... all were top notch shows, but the winner has to be Bruce hands down. The atmosphere was great, the company awesome, the tickets free, and I had never seen him live before, which automatically gives him a boost...
8. book: I read alot... as most of you well know... I wish I could say some awesomely cool book that shows my sophistication, but in truth I just read pulp fantasy/sci-fi... so I'd have to say the final Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows... it has some serious flaws, but after dedicating a little over a decade to the series it deserves top slot for the year
9. month: Lets just say August, between Vegas, and moving into a new place it was a pretty good month
10. day: who knows, a fun recent one in recent memory was playing hooky from work and going out and about the city with 3/4ths the girls upstairs, twas fun, I got a cool coat out of it, went iceskating for the first time in years(even if my knee did act up) and was introduced to the oddity that is Jackass... It was a good day.
worst ____ of the year:
1. party: There were a few parties I went to check out. I quickly realized I wasn't feeling the whole drink until we vomit and wake up in the arms of a stranger vibe, and then left.
2. show: basicly anything with love in it... shot at love with tilla tequilla, we love new york, flavor or love, rock of love... they all suck.
3. cd: Dunno, I don't listen to music I don't like
4. movie: I dunno... Youth Without Youth was pretty bad... getting to see Coppala speak afterwards made it pretty awesome. But going from a normal movie goers standpoint, and my feelings right after the film, that'd be the worst. Needless to say I did not see many films this year.
5. song: Again, music I don't like doesn't get listened to...
6. experience: There were a couple low points... ok more than a couple, but thats life, I dwell enough as it is,no need to rehash.
7. concert: Well out of the four shows I saw, it would have to be DMB... which says something about the quality of those shows, because anyone who knows me sure as hell knows I adore Dave. His shows never disappoint, and this one was no exception. Again, it shows the caliber of the shows I did see.
8. book: Stuff for school, in general.
9. month: As Pete put it: That's really just a stupid question.
10. Day: Too many bad ones to choose a one...
hopes for 2008:
1. predict something that you think will happen in 2008?: Despite recent fears that I may be on my way to becoming asexual... that girl I've talked of finding since I got this thing 7 years ago would be nice.
2. what do you hope changes about your country?: Well we'll finally be getting that new president we so desperately need near the end of it
3. what do you hope for yourself?: I hope for prosperity and happiness, and the girl, that girl who finds my jew ways so totally irresistible that she tells me whats what, knowing I'm too chicken shit to do anything on my own...
4. what do you hope for your family?: I wish the same upon them... minus the girl part...
during 2007:
1. where were you when it began?: With some friends playing trivial pursuit in a hotel room
2. did you stay up?: getting to sleep before midnight woulda been the greater achievement
3. what was your new year wish?: Ummm, I don't think I've done one of those in forever, but the longstanding one in the back of my mind has been and probably will still be to have a girl drop in my lap. Cause I sure as hell won't do the searching/pursuing on my own.
4. how many boy/girlfriends?: 0
5. break ups?: Equal to the goose egg above
6. have any crushes?: Yep, 2007 was fairly confusing.
7. care to mention names?: Let's not and say we did, all the while knowing that we didn't... because obviously if you go back to the beginning of the sentence there are no names there.
8. new friends?: Yeah, the most notable of the bunch would be Andrea, Robert's girlfriend, Jeff, from class, plus the girls upstairs, Holly, Rachel, Kate, and Shirley... (special mention in this category to Holly and Rachel, cause without them being upstairs I probably would have shanked either Bryan or Steven on numerous occasions.)
9. had to say goodbye?: Ummm, I guess technically to Jordan... because he's disappeared off the face of the earth.
10. missed anyone?: yeah...
11. win anything?: Money in poker... I actually probably ended the year up
12. best place you went to?: Vegas I guess, was a very fun trip, and I'm not certain I went anywhere else more than an hour or two away
13. worst place you went to?: Probably would have to be The Kabuki on Thanksgiving... I was not pleased to be working then, no sir
14. happiest moment?: to many good happy moments with friends and family to count.
15. how was your birthday?: It was good. The day of I hung out with Steven and Simon, we saw a movie, Simon came out with my fam for dinner. What I dubbed my party a week later was also good times. Ryan, Peter, Chip, Steven, Chris, and Matt Berry were there to help celebrate, heh.
All in all 2007 was good, managed to stay out of most of the drama and have relatively good times. I'm happy for 2008 though. It always means new, fresh starts on everything, even if I don't take advantage of such, its a nice idea to believe in...
Now goodnight everybody.
~Live in those interesting times.