May 07, 2008 20:10
I turned in my computer for an overhaul about 3 weeks ago and have been without one for the entire time.
I only got it back today, after a few rounds of stupid shit from the repair shop.
Apparently, if they find an error and it's under warranty, then it's a-ok, but if it's not under warranty, then they take some $100 just for taking a look at it.
I had one error that was under warranty, thus covering the three they found that wasn't, but they wanted money anyway. We made a deal after a while, and I got a new keyboard as well as a new battery.
Anyway, media fasting have been very healthy for me and have made me realize I spend too much time with computer stuff.
So I have decide to cut it down drastically.
I will finish up all my projects and after that only do my everyday check, conduct any online business, and perhaps code a bit if I don't have anything better to do.
Being rid of the computer made me feel much better. I got better memory, I became less depressed, could appreciate every minute of the day, got a better sleep schedule, got things done, etc. etc. and I realized that it's not a time saving tool, but a time wasting tool.
In the meantime, I did a lot of fun stuff in meat space, like visiting my brother in the other end of the country, appreciating the beauty of that area, having the most eventful 5 days in a long time and also done a lot of other fun things.
Besides, the online world is moving too fast for me to keep up with anyway, so I think I'll be aiming for volountary ludditedom, at the same time retracting my tentacles from the matrix as a whole and sweeping up my tracks after me.