Worked with my 3rd graders today. Doing Puppetry and folk tales this week, so I brought in my brilliant elephant mask/puppet thing that I made last night from a plastic salad bowl, some posterboard, a wrapping paper tube, and ribbon. It actually came out pretty cool, the trunk moves and everything. I am very proud of myself. :)
I know I've been whining at everyone for the past two weeks about how much I missed my third graders, and how much I wanted to go back to ethical...wel...I'm back at Ethical with my third graders....and I miss my second graders at Old First. Waaahhh....It's just that the only of my kids from week two who are left are Jada, Devin, and Sarah, and Penelope and Claudia, none of whom I really, really loved. Poo. But I can feel myself picking favorites already. I adore Clara, for the same reasons I adored Mica and Alex. We've played numbers about a zillion times today, which both of us suck at, but who really cares? And I have they key to Ethical Culture, which makes me sooo happy, because a. it makes me all important and the-one-with-the-key and b. it means I don't have to wait outside every morning when I'm the first one there because I live a block away. There are six teachers with 27 kids this week, which is a bit riduculous, four would be plenty, but whatever. I'm working with Marguerite and Talia, who I loved working with my first week, and Julie, who I didn't love working for last week, and two other teenagers, Britney, who never speaks and wears very short shorts and far too much natural makeup, and Alex, who's really cool, and pretty damn hot in that Dana-is-the-only-person-who-thinks-so way. They both go to LaGuardia, she for flute and he for drums.
The day went by really fast, and then I went home, decided not to bother trying to get together with Kurt, since I kinda have a little crush on Alex, which is totally pointless, since he's at least three years older than me, but I really don't care. I didn't feel like hanging out with Kurt. And I haven't felt like that in a looooong time. He didn't call me either, so it's not my fault.
Around 5.00, I went to hang out with Cara for the first time since sixth grade, kinda fun, but she kinda pisses me off....ah well....and we were goi ng through her photo albums from fifth grade to graduation. She has this picture of Kurt carrying Vickey around in his arms....and....I know she likes him...and I get totally jealous about him. It's so bad. He has sort of four groups of friends: There's the Mimi-Blair-Dana-Lisa-Charlotte group, which extends into the Yelli Dello group, which I guess can be called Drama friends, and then he's got his old video-game-geek guy friends, some of who I know a little bit, most of whom I've never met, and then he's got his class friends, which include other girls that like Vickey and the other one, Micaela, who was dancing with him at Cara's Bat Mitzvah...and that's where I get all irritating and jealous. Not that I do anything, I'm not the kind of girl who acts on jealousy, I just sit around being jealous, which is stupid, because I have absolutely no reason to be jealous of any of them, because...well, to be a conceited little bitch, I'm the one that Kurt says he loves, and kisses for entire afternoons, and sends love songs to, and reads poetry to, and all. I know he's friends with Vickey and Micaela, but I be willing to put money on the fact that he hasn't seen them since graduation. And he's spent a helluvah lot of time with me.
I'm going to shut up now, and south park with my fambly.
Ciao Ciao!