Once again I haven't updated in a while. ^^;; This entry really isn't a Katsucon full-out Katsucon update. Instead it's a shorter con report. Katsucon was a lot of fun. It was really great to hang out with all my cosplay buddies and friends! And this con really helped me show who my real friends are due to some not-so-good-things I had to deal with during the con. Thank you Danii, Biku, Shoy, and Kriss for helping me out a lot! You guys are the bestest! And even bringing in the EMS when I just had that little cut. XDD I must say that was really funny especially the fact I was just in my towl. XD And also a big thanks for Jon, Yves, Brian, and Scott making our room parties tons of fun. XD It was really awesome meeting them. =D And it was good to see some of the cosplay crack crew there as well. =D I also got to finally meet some people who I really wanted to meet in the past but never got the courage to say anything. ^^;; I actually went up to people; which felt really great to do that. ^^
I'm currently working on my cosplays for I-con, which is next weekend. I'm really excited for this con. Even though it's not just an anime con the anime section is building up every year. There seems like there is going to be a lot more cosplayers this year. Another reason I enjoy this con is because it's like five minutes away from my house. So there is no need for hotel and plus I know a bunch of people who dorm on the campus anyway. XD
So here's the cosplay line-up so far:
I-Con Cosplay:
Deidara (Naruto)
Orihime (Bleach)
Yuffie (FFVII AC)?
And there might be possibly another costume, not sure what yet. XD
I'm not sure if Yuffie will be done in time for I-con. I really wanted to go out and have her ninja-star and carry around a materia box but I think I'll probably have it done instead for Anime Next. I'm currently working on Deidara because that will be my costume I'm wearing for the cosplay competiton. I'm doing a skit with my other uber-fantabulous Akatsuki members: Jon as Itachi and Louis as Kisame. We're gonna smex up I-con with our Akatsuki gang. I really wish we could have the entire Akatsuki gang though; which would be amazing. And can't forgot about our Choji who is Yves.
And did I mention I love the Bleah costumes? Haha XD It's so easy to do another character due top their similar Shinigami outfits. I decided for I-Con instead it be better to cosplay Orihime, a better-known character from Bleach, than Matsumoto. I'll be doing Orihime in the Shinigami outfit.
This weekend plans is going to consist of working on cosplay, on the skit for I-Con, working, research paper for my Western Civilization class, and maybe going out to see Les Miserables that my high school is performing. I was thinking about going back and visiting and seeing the musical especially since the people who got leads are pretty good. If anyone is interesting in seeing this with me just let me know. =D It's only about $5-7 a ticket and the shows are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I've on a musical kick lately so it really wouldn't hurt to see this, even though it's not the Broadway version. T_T
nishikaze630 : I know when I last talked with you, you said you were going to go to I-con. My friend who works at I-Con was able to reserve a ticket for me; which would be your ticket. So if you're planning to go, I got your ticket and you can just pay me back when I see you. I hope you're still planning to go. You need to experience an actual convention with cosplaying and everything. XDD I'll call you tonight so we can talk about it. ^^
That's all for now for this update. I have to get to my French class now. =D