Jun 27, 2005 18:45
...as per requested i am sitting down to write. asked yesterday "where are you and how have you been" those two questions often annoy me b/c if you really have to ask me that then of course you probably are not a friend but rather someone who wants to pretend. i received a phone call from a couple of people i knew at purdue yesterday. both of which i had basically written off as nothing more than someone i did that thing w/ once. i was watching hitch and when he said that very thing i thought about so many people who were just that to me. I've also realized a lot lately that being single isn't as bad a thing as i thought it was. I get mixed responses from others about whether or not my age is too soon or too old to settle down. I read men's health every month from cover to cover just to see what else i can pack into my brain. This month's issue had an article on marriage. It was suggesting that perhaps marriage not be until death do you part type deal but rather an initial 3 year contract at which time if you are not happy you can just go your seperate ways and still remain friends. no nasty divorce lawyers or custody battles. In the convo w/ the girl from purdue last night we talked about that fact that being married now and with the life expectancy that it would be about 55-65 years of being married to once person. I just can't seem to put that into a perspective of positive light. I'm sure there are some that would argue that if it were the "right one" then it'd be all fine and i'd have to agree with them and that would be great if you could get it right that first time. I dont want to marry just to divorce. Imagine though if it were for 3 years and if at which time you were happy then you could just renew your vows for another 5 years or something. It would give you an incentive to work at the relationship if it was good so that the other would want to renew as well. Too many people just take the attitude that if it fails then you can just go get a divorce and life will be fine. It's just not time for me. I have other things to occupy my time. I train so much now that I really don't know what else i would have time for. 13 days left til i find out just how well i will do. I'm not really nervous about doing it. I am excited about the challenge. I haven't felt challenged in so long that this is truly what i need to do. And I dont want to write anymore