July already? NOOOOOO WAY!!! Here come the scoop, here come the scoop, here come the scoop...hehe.
Edit 7-8: Okay, I just found this
funny little cartoon video saying how DMC "should" have ended, lol. I ESPECIALLY loved the part at the VERY end, after 2:10...ROFL!! (Hint: Even if you're not a POTC fan, you'll want to at least see that very last part if you're a Monkees one!)
On the 4th, we went out to eat at our fave local seafood place. There were fireworks going off in town, and Sis peeked through a window (along with some employees and customers) to see a few! I managed to get up there RIGHT when they were ending, lol. Oh well, it was cool.
After that, we got dessert at Micky D's and Arby's. I reaaaally wanted one of those DQ thin mint blizzards, but it was closed, so maybe next time! After that, we went bowling. The place was gonna close in an hour, so we just played one game. There was this ANNOYING woman in there who was making a fool of herself, acting drunk and/or high, AND she had a kid!
She was obviously trying to show off for the ppl in the next lane (poss. friends or something), and played a boatload of songs on the jukebox in there. I wouldn't have minded so much if she was a normal person, but it was so obvious that she more than likely was playing certain songs just so she could dance around and act stupid. Sis played that Chumbawamba song, and Light My Fire (of course!), but we never got to hear them. :( We kinda knew there was a risk of it not playing, so she didn't spend alot.
Wed., Thurs., AND Fri. I got to ride my scooter, which never happens 3 days in a row like that. Well, it hasn't in a while, anyway. 'Twas soooo fun! It was rainy all day Sat., so no scootering, BUT there were some fireworks going on later that night in the vicinity. Sis told me about them, so I stopped the Monkees eppy I was watching (The Spy Who Came In From the Cool, right before the Saturday's Child romp, hehe), and off we went, in search of the source of the fireworks, haha.
Turns out a man was shooting them in his back yard, probably about 2 miles or so from us. But since we couldn't drive through trees and ppl's back yards (lol), it seemed a little more like 5 miles in driving time, hehe. Once we spotted them, we stopped on the road a little ways down (at a stop sign, of course) to watch them for a bit, and driving (but still able to see them) when someone would turn onto the road. After he stopped shooting them, we drove around a little while in town.
At one point, we were driving by Chick-Fil-A, and these kids were standing near the road, waving at random ppl, including us! Sis and I were all like, "WTH?!", so we didn't respond or anything. Then, later Sis was like, "We should have beeped at them or something!" Haha! So when we went back through, we decided that's just what we'd do, but they had already left. I do wish we had immediately done that though, cuz I bet they wouldn't have been expecting it! Not a long beep, mind you, just a short one, hehe.
Last Sat., we DID get outside and rode our scooters for a LONG time! My other cousin came over with her hubby and little girl, and stayed for awhile, too. And, Sis and I rode around the other neighboring town, plus some country roads, listening to the Doors. :)
I woke up Sunday to it storming outside, which was cutting into a dream I was having about me and James Franco DATING!! He may have been in character as Harry Osborn, but I'm not sure. Even though the fact that he paints was referenced in the dream, that still doesn't tell me anything, since James REALLY DOES paint, and of course, Harry is shown painting in Spidey 3 (which me and Sis have been watching alot of lately)! It's so weird how that little detail slipped into my dream, since I had forgotten (or poss. even didn't know) that James was such an avid painter! Plus, the part in Spidey is so quick, it's amazing that it stuck with my subconcious! Anyhoo, the dream was GREAT, until we started fighting! Major bummer, haha. But at least the romance lasted a little while, lol.
We ate at GC before going to the movies, and it was really good! This group came in, and Daddy said he noticed that it seemed like a girl kept looking at my shirt (I had on my Monkees '97 tour shirt). I noticed it too, but wasn't sure. Well, right before we left, Sis told me she heard that girl or someone say, "Did you see her shirt?!" And I heard someone say something like, "That's the same shirt..." and I couldn't hear the rest, but I'm guessing they were gonna say "that so-and-so's got". Now, they could have been talking about Sis's Duke shirt, since I had put my coat on over my shirt at that point, but I dunno. 2 diff. ppl could have been talking about both our shirts! W/e the case, it was a cool moment, hehe.
We went to see "Wanted" this past weekend, and "The Happening" last weekend. Happening was better. As for Wanted...you know how some movies you see, and you actually like them better as time goes on and you think on it awhile? This movie WASN'T like that. It was the OPPOSITE. When we first got out of the theater, we all agreed that it was wild, but okay. Angelina Jolie gets on my last nerve, BUT the movie was still watchable.
HOWEVER, they were waaay overzealous with the f-bomb and other expletives. It's one thing to cuss in movies, but geez, it gets to a point where it's just silly. Oh yeah, AND OF COURSE the gratuitous "scenes", if ya know what I'm talking about. And as with many movies like this, coulda done w/o the FLASHY camera stuff, and weirdly executed action sequences. I love action movies, but it's like this one was just trying too hard to be all trendy to cover up a flawed story.
Now, like I said up top, the more I would think back on the movie, there was this one line (the very last one) that kept on standing out to me. And it was what made me go from being okay with the movie to later on being just uuuugh about it.
Spoilery time!
The last line being Wesley (James McAvoy) saying, "What the (f-bomb...OF COURSE!) have you done?"
Now, if this movie was some perfectly executed, almost flawless film (like of POTC caliber :D), and THEN it asked that question, I'd be all, "Hmmm...that's something to think about!" BUT, a BARELY mediocre movie with a condescending last line like that?! You can't help but think of a reply like, "Well, I just wasted my life watching this movie!" Ha!
I mean, WTH?! This guy was a little nobody who lived a pathetic existence, in a nowhere job with a biotchy boss, not to mention LETTING his g/f cheat on him cuz he was too much of a wimp to break up with her. Then a bunch of assassins came along, conned him into killing HIS OWN father, AND innocent people, through a bunch of lies and deception! And HE was soooo eager to jump into this exciting and wonderful new life that it made him gullable enough to BELIEVE them! In trying to "find" himself, he became even MORE out of touch with who he really is! Or could've been, anyway. And then, he dares to ask the audience what THEY'VE done with their lives? Stupid, stupid, stupid! Someone said on imdb that's like a lazy bum telling other ppl to get a job! And I agree, although typically I don't like most imdb message board posters, lol!
Now, yes, I do realize it's SUPPOSED to be simple entertainment. But something that barely even passes for entertainment, yet poses a question like that, just makes me feel icky.
ANYway...ENOUGH about that!
End of spoilers and spoilery thoughts
On a brighter entertainment note, I'm SO glad that the Vickie/Edge storyline may FINALLY be ending! That's probably why I was fighting with Harry in my dream, hehe. I have to say, Friday's SD was the best it's been in a LOOONG time. I'm hoping this new development means it's back to the ol' "lone wolf" Edge that I love so dearly! :) But with the nature of WWE programming sometimes, I won't hold my breath, hahaha!
You'll never believe this, but ANOTHER picspam is on the horizon! Why?! Cuz July 9th marks FIVE YEARS TO THE DAY (cuz we saw P1 on a Wed.!) that I've been a Johnny/POTC fan!! Last time I did a pics post for that occasion was back at bolt, when I hit the year mark! Man, I cannot BELIEVE it's been 5 years!! Time zooms by!!
'Tis only appropriate with all Monkees eppies I've been watching lately that I post this survey I found from
torkietexan67's journal...hehe.
1. If you could hang out with any Monkee for a day in your hometown and surrounding area, who would it be and what would you do?
Well, not so surprisingly, it would be Davy. As for what we'd do...ummmmm...I have NO idea. Maybe take a drive up and down the diff. country roads to start, and that way we might catch a glimpse of some horses (cuz ya know how he loves them!) in the area that diff. ppl own. Then maybe we might go bowling, cuz I've read about him enjoying that before, hehe. After that, maybe go to Books-a-million and have some hot (or cold, depending on the weather) beverages of some sort (no coffee for me, haha), and just talk (while I hope that he doesn't notice me getting lost in his eyes, LOL). That reminds me...the one thing that I didn't get to do the morning I met him that I so desperately wanted (and that some other fans actually DID get to do!) was sit down with him and talk...or at least listen, lol. I couldn't do much talking, but I would have loved to just taken in his presence and SAT DOWN and just absorbed the moment, listening to him, and engaging in a semi-normal conversation (I say semi, cuz like I said, he'd be doing the talking, cuz I'd be [and was] rendered speechless, haha). Okay, got off on a tangent there, moving right along...
2. If you could be in any Monkees music video with the boys, what would it be? How would you shoot it? What would the sequence of events be? Where would you appear in it?
I can't come up with an original one at the mo', but I would love to be in the girl's place in the Cuddly Toy video. OR in Rose Marie's place in the "Sometime in the Morning"! ;)
3. If you could sing any song with any or all of the boys, what would it be?
What a cool question! Ummm...I'd probably join in on Daydream Believer, hehe.
4. If you could own any article of clothing that one of the boys wore, what would it be?
Easy peasy...it'd be the shirt that Davy's wearing in
this pic. It's just boo-tiful...and he's boo-tiful in it...haha.
As astounding as it seems, I'm done! Bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye!!