(no subject)

Aug 08, 2008 20:03

haha so much for my next post being about Twilight/Breaking Dawn!!

Guys... the Olympics opening ceremony is one of the greatest, most spectacular, impressive, dazzling, dramatic-and more words from my thesaurus-thing that occurs every two years. Right now I am watching what they say are 2008 performers, dressed identically, moving in perfect unison, and basically gorgeous. I am sooo excited!!
I've been told Sarah Brightman will be on later too, whoohoo!!

So, random stuff in between oohing and aahing at the ceremony;
my nails are, i believe, the longest they've ever been. it's actually making typing difficult. I suspect I will be forced to chop them off when I get back to a piano, but until then, I'm really enjoying them too much to care about the typing difficulties.

This is so impressive the way there's so many people in perfect unison!

See, this is why I know so many random facts. At times like these, I spend a large part of the time watching and looking up facts, and then never forget them. So-
China has a population of 1.3 billion plus. That's 20% of the world's population.
USA only has about 300 million.
Washington, 6 million.

The opening ceremony cost, at a low estimate, $100 million. The stadium holds 91,000. about 2,500 lights were used, about 6,000 kilowatts.

There are 204 nations involved.

Full cost for this olympics is $40 billion, from the time they were named the host city in 2001. most of the construction for the venues, however, is coming from private investors, $2.1 billion worth. about 30 new places were built.

Huh. apparently Steven Spielberg helped to choreograph the opening ceremony...

haahhhaha they're doing "rationing" for driving privileges based on license plates. about 45% of the cars, on alternating days, will be off the streets for three months. For the sake of making the air cleaner.
Way to go China, put a little more perfume on to cover the stink.

28 sports, 302 events.

Eeeehehehe, swimming and diving starts tomorrow!

and not that this has anything to do with it, but Seattle's rape rate is less than the national average, while Portland's is like, miles above.

The sheet of paper that all the athletes are walking through paint and onto is so freaking cool. Just thought I'd say...

Chinese motivational posters!! hehe

Yes, I am posting my 'sources'.


haha, Iraq walked in and they're all waving and being happy, and it cut to George Bush who smiled and politely applauded, probably as he had for the last 100 countries. I was just amused because it kind of seemed like, you know, the awkward reunion of the big guy and the guy he beat up in high school... somethin like that.
Goes along with my theory that this is the biggest summer camp ever. big opening and closing ceremonies, lots of rec... just needs a couple chapels a day... lol ignore me.

The Hungary outfits are gorgeous. I'd wear those skirts.
Omg, the ladies from Jordan were gorgeous!! they were talking about how there's 4 women and 3 men athletes, and the women I did see were beautiful. Hm.


Well, somewhere around here I thought I had to go to bed so I put my computer away, then was allowed to watch until the US team came through. Was thinking how remarkably beautiful some of the athletes are when they're right up close and all done up well. Not many people look good when they just finished a world record 100 m sprint...

Anyway, now I'm downstairs. I'm excited to sleep with my windows open tonight, since Ken has ventured ahead and opened the blinds, thus evacuating any final lurking creatures.

my nails are really going to be a problem for me in about two days-I don't think I could ever keep them like this if I were typing extensively. People with long nails; how do you do it?!

I'm gonna drink my lovely lemon tea with honey, and read The Silver Chair (I totally don't remember anything about this story) and then go to sleep now. Much love!!

*rereads in preview form*
do I really write like that? Hah.

random facts, olympics

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