In regards to the latest Idol uproar-(it's totally rigged guys, if we didn't know it before we do now!!)
This article makes me smile. Specifically this part;
"Some other fictions: “Idol” has always insisted that it is searching for the best singer in America, but it often showcases the worst. Are “Idol” producers hoping Juilliard-trained opera singers walk in the door during audition season? Please."
OMG THANK YOU!!!! It's about bloody time somebody acknowledged this!! Both that AI is full of bs, and that "Juilliard-trained opera singers" are some of the real best singers in America. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!
My hope in the future is rekindled. A little.
...Also, I need new icons. I love Dessay and all, but what I've got just doesn't express me fully, y'know?
That is all.