Musings of an opera singer in stasis

Jul 26, 2011 00:05

If I'm going to be a dramatic coloratura (eventually)... what kind of roles should I be singing? Obviously my voice is heavy enough for people to think dramatic, so I don't think Barbarina is really right for me these days. Lauretta is young, but Puccini... and while I don't really care to touch R. Strauss' opera just yet, is his art song too much still? And what about Adele? I pwned her-if I can rework the aria to release the tensions, that is... and Zerlina? I did her songs so well-is that still where I should be looking? Or have I just skipped that fach entirely?

Honestly, I just want to work on learning some new music, even if it's not for performance yet. My repertoire is kind of laughable at the moment-at least when compared to others graduating from larger schools with more productions.I really need to do something about it.
Oooh... I think I'll look at some other dramatic coloraturas and see what they did in their earlier years. Yes, very good!!

In other news, I loved the most recent Christmas special of Doctor Who. I'll admit, I've had my issues with Katherine Jenkins... and I still don't really want to listen to her perform Una Voce Poco Fa... but I have listened to Abigail's song so. many. times. And I kind of want to learn it myself-it's so gorgeous.
But alas, even if I did, I am a soprano. I have not her gorgeous low notes that make the song. But I suppose I'll probably do it anyway, if only to satisfy that part of me that walks around singing it, anyway.

And now that we've successfully segued, has anybody found anything to suggest the lyrics to the song mean more than just what was intended in the episode? Looking at them again, I keep wanting it to mean more. That damn silence!! Always with the silence!

Also. fangirling on one's own is no fun. I need to find a few good Doctor Who fan groups-I know they're out there. I've been watching all of my lj friends fall for the show over the last few years.
Relatedly, I've been thinking I need a new LJ. This one seems so tied to early college H/D me, and I feel like it would be just easier to start from scratch. But I'm not sure it's worth it. Honestly, I barely keep it up as it is. And as much as I'm bored now, I'm anticipating a very, very busy rest of my life. :P

I don't know. Just some late night musings. I'm going to take some sleeping pills and see if I can't get my body back on a semi-normal schedule.

I am curious, though. I know I've been cleared from several friends lists lately-does anybody still read these things?

doctor who, fandom, voice, opera

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