Dealing, Winchester Style, 1/1, Gen, 12.09 coda, [PG]

Jan 31, 2017 20:24

Fic: Dealing, Winchester Style
AO3 Link
Author: sandymg
Beta: borgmama1of5
Summary: Negotiations with a reaper. Coda for 12x09 First Blood
Spoilers: Coda for S12X9 First Blood
Wordcount: 3,000 - one-shot
Genre: Gen, coda
Characters: Dean, Sam, Billie
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or any of its characters.( Read more... )

fanfiction, fanfic, fandom: supernatural, dean winchester, coda, author: sandymg, sam winchester

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ohh, let's chat sandymg February 8 2017, 02:44:11 UTC
OK. So early Season 5 when the only real thing we knew about Lucifer was his taking over Jessica's form and appearing to Sam and how he was seductive and slick and the best kind of liar, because he was speaking mostly truths. At that point -- I established a Luci in my mind. Wrote about him, etc.

MP played it that way for a bit. Became somewhat more campy after a while but still very menacing. And then there were the rape implications. That's come up a few times with comments about being bunkmates and the like. And Jared playing it so well, with his eyes and his flinching and shrinking into himself body posture.

So I don't think Sam had it good in the Cage. I think it was what we might think of Hell times a lot. I also think it was a different experience from Dean's time in Hell. Dean might have assaulted, too. Never been made clear. But mostly their idea of 'breaking' him was turning the righteous man into a torturing sadist.

With Sam. Well, he was a plaything. It's very chilling.

So, yeah, I think being in that cell alone would be triggering and I think they both have PTSD and nightmares and, really, they are heroes for simply not be starking mad at this point.


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