jRobot, Ch. 6, [NC-17], RPS, J2 AU

Jun 19, 2011 00:11

The slight, gorgeous, vibrating-with-fury biologist turned toward Jared and Chad, anger emanating from every pore. “And who the fuck are you two?”

Jared sighed. He’d heard that question more in the past thirty-six hours than he ever wanted to hear in his entire life. Chad, however, was not intimidated. He took a step forward, not quite in the woman’s face, but not far away either. “I. Am Chad. Pro-One’s friend. And I have a question of my own. What the fuck are you doing to make sure his body doesn’t fall apart in a few days?”

“Chad … don’t,” Jensen warned.

Doctor Tal visibly paled. It took a moment for her to take a deep breath and pull herself together. “Nothing has changed. It’ll take years to come up with a way to get the nanonites to stabilize enough to regenerate longer than we’ve been able … hell, the fact that we got it to hold together for ninety days is practically a miracle.”

She took a step closer and this time she got right in Chad’s face. “I might have created life. But I’m not god. Everything dies.”

Jared pulled Chad back trying to defuse the intensity of the exchange. “Doctor Tal. What you did was amazing. Pro-One fooled me completely. When we met I thought he was a stunning man.” Jared colored slightly realizing what he’d said but then he continued. “And I understand your … reservations about what Jensen did.”

“Jensen broke every protocol, every regulation, every sense of decency. He knew the limitation. Ninety days. We weren’t ready.”

“Yeah, well he was,” Jensen mumbled.

Chad put up a hand. “Missing the point. Everyone, please. It’s done. Here’s here. He’s a … person. He deserves his last days to be with those who care about him. Collins is insane. He took the lil’ dude at gunpoint.”

Alona’s eyes grew big at Chad’s reveal. “Wh--?”

Jensen cut in. “It’s true. He used a backdoor program to track Pro-One down. Then he showed up and pulled a fucking weapon on us. On me! Said he wanted to get what was his. Like I ever tried to keep credit from him or something.”

Alona looked at him with tight lips. “How do I know this is true? You’re a liar, Jensen. You looked into my eyes and said you wouldn’t do it. Said you agreed with Jim Beaver and his committee. Said you’d give me more time.”

“I did agree,” Jensen protested.

Alona snorted. “Right.”

“Doctor Tal … Alona … it’s true.” Jared needed her to understand why Jensen had broken the agreement. “Jensen didn’t want to merge his AI with the robot body. But in the end, it wasn’t up to him.”

She stared at Jared disbelievingly. “Oh yeah? And who was it up to?”

Chad answered, voice low and steady. “Pro-One.”

Rolling her eyes Alona laughed. “Uh-huh. The computer program made you do it. Look, you might have these two idiots duped, but I’ve known you a lot longer. You wanted this. Wanted to see how far it could go.”

Jared sucked in another deep breath. They were running out of time and they needed Alona for this to work. He had to figure out a way to reach her. “Do you know who Lev Vygotsky is?”

“The Russian psychologist?” She looked puzzled. “What does he-“

“He’s famous for many things but one of them is the concept of the zone of proximal development or ZPD. Basically, it’s the distance between a child’s actual developmental level and his potential with adult guidance or working together with peers. The AI, Pro-One … wanted … had to be set free. He was allowed to experience things within his ZPD and as a result his learning has exploded. I can’t imagine what would happen given enough time. But we don’t have that. So it’s vital that every second count.”

Chad took a step closer to the biologist. He touched her arm and encouraged her to meet his eyes. “He told me that rain tickled his tongue. An’ then he asked me if that’s why they call her Mother Earth.”

Jensen stood on Alona’s other side. Jared watched the emotion fill his eyes and fought the urge to touch him. “Alona, will you help?”


“Distract Misha. Get him away from Pro-One long enough for us to reach him.”

“You’ll never get him out of here.”

“Leave that part to me.”

Jared watched the conflict flow over her face. The struggle evident and heartfelt and he felt a sudden warmth toward her. She couldn’t save Pro-One. Couldn’t give him any more days. But she could let him end his days with friends.

Doctor Tal looked at Jensen steadily. “Misha wants to extract the primary neurochip.”

“You slice the membrane and it’s all over.”

“He thinks there’s a small window where upload is possible.”

Jensen ran his hands over his chin. “Alona … even I couldn’t-“

“I know. I believe you.” She looked from Jensen to Jared and then her eyes lingered on Chad’s. Finally her stiff posture softened. “I’ll call him to discuss some protocols for the procedure. But, Jensen, he won’t hang out long. You’ll have to work fast.”

Jared let out a breath. He met Jensen’s eyes as Alona placed the call to the lab where Pro-One was being held. Fear looked back at him. Ignoring both Chad and Alona he approached Jensen. “Jen.”

Jared reached out and squeezed Jensen’s hand gently once before pulling back. Jensen took it back and held on.

Jared stepped closer so Jensen would hear. “Vygotsky said, ‘there is no meaning without a meaning maker’.” Jensen looked at Jared, puzzled. “Learning isn’t just biological,” Jared continued. “Or, in the case of the AI, quantitative. There’s a social component. Knowledge needs to be internalized. Social interactions have become part of Pro-One’s sense of self, part of his ability to think abstractly and make connections that would not have been possible within the confines of ones and zeros.”

Jared knew he was simplifying to the extreme. But he believed the greater point held. And he needed to say it to Jensen. “Jensen. You did good. You did right.”

Chad interrupted them. “Alona says Collins is on his way. Time to go.”

Back in the corridors they resumed the same formation as before. Jensen in the middle, led by Jared and Chad on either side. Some folks did a double take. Some outright stared. Chad mumbled, “Didn’t they see Pro-One before?”

“Not so much. His interactions were limited. Mostly myself and my team. And Jeff and his team for training. Alona and her folks. But of the thousands working here ... direct interaction was kept to a minimal. Key personnel only.”

“Were you afraid of sensory overload?” Jared asked.

“Yeah. Some. It was all new. Plus for a while I kept what I’d done a secret.”

“How did they find out?”

“His test scores started going through the roof. Better than every simulation ever created.” Jensen laughed slightly. “I once asked him to consider doing not so well on purpose.”

“What he say?” Jared asked.

Jensen put on his Pro-One voice. “Doctor Ackles, I like to succeed. I do not think I would like to fail. Is this a requirement?”

Jared laughed and then looked worried when his bark drew some attention. Nobody stopped them as they entered a final long corridor.

Suddenly the door at the far end opened and Doctor Collins slightly nasal voice carried to them.

“Alona says she’s had another brainstorm on a safeguard for the extraction and wants me to check out her projections. I doubt she’s come up with anything I didn’t already cover, but I don’t want to take the chance. I’ll be back in a few minutes, and then we’ll get started.”

“Shit!” All three of them cursed simultaneously.

Jared instinctively tried the door next to him, and miraculously, it was unlocked. He shoved Chad and Jensen in front of him and put his back to the door once it was shut. To have come so close … He held his breath as footsteps passed outside, and almost laughed when Chad and Jensen released their breath at the same time he did.

“Moment of truth,” Jensen uttered, hand on the door knob.

“What if Collins is still out there?” Chad asked.

Jensen gave him a look that screamed ‘then we are screwed’.

Jared rolled his eyes and held his breath as Jensen cracked the door open. The coast was clear and they scurried to the large double doors of the laboratory. The space was cavernous, filled with more computers than Jared had ever seen amassed in one place. They emitted an eerie blue-white glow that bounced off the pale walls. “Where is everyone?” Jared whispered to Jensen.

“It’s customary to keep Pro-One isolated. Not to mention, Misha doesn’t want his activities made public. The only person I expect to see is-“

Jared jumped back as a figure emerged from a doorway at the back of the space. He was too short to be the robot. It took a moment for Jared to place him. He’d last seen him upstairs, in the comic book store, yelling.

Rob approached. “Jesus. Jensen what are you--?” The smaller man’s eyes quickly scanned over Jared and Chad. His eyes grew huge. “You brought them here? Are you out of your mind?”

“No choice. Rob. Where is he?”

“I am here, Doctor Ackles.” Pro-One emerged from the same room as Rob. He looked unharmed but of course Jared couldn’t know what was happening on the inside. “It is good to see you. Jared, Chad … I am happy to see you both again.”

“Happy?” Jensen asked.

Pro-One grinned shyly. “It is closest to describing what my subroutine is doing than any other word.”

Chad stepped forward and took Pro-One in a quick, hard hug. “Good to see you, too, lil’ dude. They hurt you?” He took a step back and looked the robot over.

“No. But Doctor Collins plans on extracting my neurochip.” He turned to Jensen. “Perhaps if you and Doctor Collins worked together like I-“

“No!” Jensen said quickly. “It won’t work.” He licked his lips and turned back to Rob. “We’re taking him out of here.”

“Are you insane? You’ll never be able to just-“

Jensen ignored his colleague. “Pro-One. Come with us.” Chad softened Jensen’s command by putting his hand out. Jared watched the hesitation flash in Pro-One’s too-green eyes before his hand came out and grasped Chad’s.

Jared gave him a reassuring smile. “It’ll be okay. The doc’s gonna make it right.”

Jensen met Jared’s eyes and the moment held until Rob interrupted. “Can’t let you do this.”

“You don’t have a choice.”

“What are you gonna do? Tie me up? Knock me out?”

Chad looked like both of those were grand ideas. Jared put a hand out to stay him. He met Jensen’s stare again.

Pro-One spoke softly but assuredly. “I will not let anyone harm you, Doctor Benedict. I promised Jared.”

Jensen looked frustrated. “Looks like I’m going to have to trust you. You’ve seen him now, Rob. You know. Misha is wrong.”

Rob didn’t look convinced. “So were you. I begged you not to do it. But like Misha says. It’s done. Now we can’t let it go to waste. That would be the bigger crime.”

“What’s with you people?” Chad erupted. “You talk like he’s an experiment. A project. A thing. He’s got more humanity than all of you combined!” He spun angrily at Jensen. “And that includes you, Doctor Frankenstein. You don’t fool around with life the way you did. Don’t create it and lock it away to train into a perfect soldier. Don’t make up for it with one month of freedom.” He ran his hands through his short locks. “Fuck. Jay, enough, we have to go. Now.”

Jared blinked at the sudden lull. He understood what Chad was saying. But the devastation in Jensen’s eyes was threatening to unravel him. They both couldn’t be right. Yet somehow, they both were.

Chad pulled Pro-One along and they filed out of the lab two-by-two. At the door Jensen turned back to Rob and begged, “Please.”

They’d just gotten through the stairwell door when the lights blinked. Jared clutched Jensen’s arm. “What’s that?”

Pro-One answered. “The security intruder alarm has been activated. The building is on automatic lockdown. Your passkey will no longer work Doctor Ackles. No door will open. I believe we are stuck in this stairwell until security finds us.”

Jensen smiled.

“Doctor Ackles. I do not understand.”

Chad squeezed the robot’s hand. “Part of the plan, lil’ dude. You were right, Doc. Benedict pulled the alarm.”

“The building is locked tight. Only security override codes work now. And the process is slow and manual, even for them. Not the brightest of security systems. I told them the flaws back when but did they listen? Nope. Military always thinks it knows best.” His lips turned up in a sneer. “Their programmers are about as good as I was at twelve. One day, remind me to tell you of the time I hacked into NASA. Thing of beauty.”

Chad got impatient. “Yeah, Neo. C’mon.”

They all paused at the fourth floor doorway. Jensen pulled the plating off the security pad. Fingers flying he started inserting codes.

“Doctor Ackles, if you use the security protocols they will know where we are.”

Jensen turned to him with a prideful glimmer in his eyes. “These aren’t any codes they are aware of.”

“You have your own pass code?”

The silent snick of the door unlocking was all the answer needed. They entered the corridor silently. It was empty and they headed back to the office where Jensen’s old workstation was kept. The terminal was blank.

“Thought we left it on?” Jared asked.

“The lockdown turns off all non-security systems. This facility is non-operational at present.” Pro-One explained.

Jensen smiled again as he sat down, and seconds later the terminal came to life. Jared couldn’t help but catch Chad’s appreciative grin. When Chad caught Jared’s stare he mumbled. “You could do worse, I suppose.”

Jared didn’t have time to respond as the sound of Jensen’s typing broke the silence.

Pro-Two are you there?

Greetings Doctor Ackles.

The lockdown is proceeding as per protocol?

Yes. Full lockdown. May I ask, is Pro-One with you?

Jared touched Jensen’s shoulder. “Can we trust him?”

Jensen looked back up at him. “Do you trust Pro-One?”

“Yes. But that’s different-“

“Pro-Two is everything Pro-One was before the merger. And a little more.”

Pro-One leaned over Jensen and typed some quick code. He tilted his head. “He says that he gained controls of the security cameras undetected. He will guide us out of here.”

Chad stared questioningly at the robot. “We are communicating on the secure channel Doctor Ackles established when you first arrived. Pro-Two wishes to help.” Pro-One turned to Jensen. “He … wants what I have … one day.”

Jensen physically retreated and paled, looking like someone just punched him in the gut. “No. Tell him no. Tell him not to ask. Please.”

Jared touched Pro-One’s arm and drew his attention. “Pro-One. I understand. I do. I think if I were you ... Were in your situation … I’d want the same. But. Unless Doctor Tal can fix the limitation with the … body … it’s too much to ask of Jensen. I don’t know if Pro-Two can understand that. But you can.”

He looked into the robot’s emerald irises and watched the pupils expand and contract in that inhuman way. After what seemed a long time but couldn’t have been more than seconds Pro-One moved close to Jensen.

Hesitantly, he put his hand on the doctor’s shoulder. “I have communicated the best I can with Pro-Two how this situation is exceedingly painful for humans. For you. He does not understand. He does not feel. But he has agreed to not ask unless there is a breakthrough with the suborganic components. You will not be put in this situation again, Doctor Ackles.”

“Shut the link so he doesn’t hear.” Pro-One nodded. Jensen’s voice was like crushed leaves. “Even though I can’t … won’t do it again, I need you to know that no matter what happens, I don’t regret it. Don’t regret you.” He sucked in air and visibly pushed his emotions under control.

“Thank you, Doctor Ackles.”

Jensen didn’t reply. “Let’s get out of here.”

With the AI communicating with Pro-One, it was easy to avoid security and make their way back out through the utility system, collect the bags they’d brought from the cabin, and climb back into the sewer, only this time they followed it longer so they emerged several blocks away from the comic store. One stolen Honda later they were back on the road, Pro-One wearing another makeshift dampener for his built in GPS. Jared tried not to laugh. This took the tin-hat concept to new heights.

Chad was driving. “Where we going?” he asked Pro-One who was riding shotgun.


Both Jensen and Jared looked at him.

“Why the shore?” Jared asked.

“It is on my list,” Pro-One answered simply.

Nobody said anything further as Chad drove on. Jensen was putting on a strong front. But Jared knew this was killing him. Jared couldn’t say why he cared so much about the doctor. But he did. And he knew he was in for the duration. These two needed him. In a way he’d never felt needed before.

It was preseason, so they had the beach hotel pretty much to themselves. Jared and Jensen got them rooms right on the waterfront. They paid with the bogus credit card accounts that Pro-One had used after leaving the first time. It was risky because Misha might have figured that part out. But if they used any of their personal credit cards they’d be discovered immediately. Though once they’d gotten the room keys, Jared asked to use the hotel computer to access Western Union, and, with a quick phone call, got Sandy, the assistant director at the day care and his friend, to wire him some cash on the pretext that his wallet had been stolen.

He knew the center staff was worried about him. He’d told them he had some sudden personal business to take care of and that he’d need the week off. He was due a ton of vacation time. But it was very unusual for Jared to spring it on everyone at the last minute. Once he’d convinced her that he was fine, Sandy assured him that she had sufficient coverage. Told him to take care of himself.

Jensen took some of the money and he and Jared made a fast trip to the nearest big box computer store to purchase a laptop. The man just couldn’t go without a computer. Jared tried not to laugh. They returned to the motel to discover Pro-One and Chad were not in the rooms, and there was a moment of panic until Jared heard the unmistakable roar of Chad’s laugh.

They discovered Chad and Pro-One on the beach tossing an inflated beach ball back and forth.

“So,” Chad was saying. “You can never miss?”


Chad threw the ball wild, far to the right of Pro-One. The robot leaped and at faster-than-possible speed grabbed the ball out of the air.

“That was wicked cool!”

Pro-One beamed, pride obvious at the compliment. He tossed the ball gently back to Chad who again tossed it far from the robot to watch the effortless catch. Jared had to admit it was a pleasure to watch Pro-One’s physical reactions, his body’s perfection. It was as if he slowed down time and simply moved to where he knew the ball would be and plucked it out of the air. It looked dance-like. Fluid and graceful.

“He was well trained,” Jensen said.

“You mentioned someone named Jeff?”

“Jeffrey Morgan. He was in charge of training. He’s the one who first realized that Pro-One’s cognitive levels were exceeding expectations. The prototype AI that was supposed to be used wouldn’t have responded the way Pro-One did.”

Jared smiled. “Started questioning things, didn’t he?”

Jensen’s smile was filled with pride. “Yep.” He returned to observing the game of catch. “I warned him. But-“

“Can’t get a kid to stop questioning.”


After a few more minutes of watching, Jared and Jensen joined the game. Ball passing back and forth between all four of them. Every once in a while Chad threw it wild just to watch the robot’s laser-focused reflexes. Then he’d utter “cool” and everyone would smile.

Eventually the sun set and silver slivers cut across the water. Pro-One looked up transfixed. “It is my first full moon seen from outside, Doctor Ackles.” His pupil’s contracted. “Well, waning gibbous. It was full yesterday. I asked Doctor Collins if I could please be taken outside but he said it was unnecessary because I have full astrological data.”

“How does seeing it for yourself differ from your data?”

They all looked up at the large, slightly waning globe as Pro-One considered. “It is not the moon that is different. It is everything else. Jared’s skin tone seems more amber than gold and Chad’s hair is nearly white and the ocean is moving now in a different way than when the sun warmed it. The moon touches it differently.”

Jared watched the moon glow turn Jensen’s eyes gold. He leaned in so only Jensen could hear. “Like a lover.”

Jensen shivered as Jared’s warm breath tickled his ear. “Your d-data can explain all of that Pro-One.”

“I am aware of the molecules that make up water. But I did not know what ‘wet’ was until you merged me with this body.”

They walked back to their vehicle and drove until they found a place for dinner. Pro-One did not eat as his body could not process food. But he enjoyed analyzing the menu offerings and then studied the burgers and fries that the waitress brought to their table.

Pro-One was also an avid people watcher.

He reminded Jared of his preschoolers, studying the surroundings with wonder and glee and a parade of questions. They spent some time discussing sarcasm.

“So when the waitress said she wanted fifty more customers like the snarling woman with the bright red lips she did not mean this.”

“No, Pro-One. She was being sarcastic. She meant the opposite of what she said.”

The robot blinked his eyes. “Humans can say what they mean directly. And they can say the opposite of what they mean. Or they can say what they do not mean at all.”

“Yep. That would be lying.”

“I prefer to say what I mean. I do not like falsehoods. And saying the opposite of what I want seems that it might lead to unintended consequences. Jared, were you being sarcastic when you asked me to hit you?”

Jensen laughed. Jared turned and gave him a nasty look for enjoying himself at Jared’s behalf.

“No. I wasn’t using the word ‘hit’ to mean strike me.”

Chad’s eyes were twinkling now and Jared knew he was going down a weird road. Dammit, he’d fallen right into that one.

“What did you mean?” Pro-One inevitably asked.

Jared tried for matter-of-fact despite the look on Chad’s face. “I thought you were flirting with me.”

The robot processed. “Flirting has multiple definitions. One: To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures. Two: To deal playfully, triflingly, or superficially, as in to flirt with danger. And three: To move abruptly or jerkily.” His pupils widened and contracted before landing on Jared, face open and curious. “Oh. You thought of me as you now think of Doctor Ackles. I am not programmed for sexual encounters. That will be part of the second phase which will include advanced infiltrative models.”

“But in the apartment. When the fire alarm went off and you were undressed … ”

Jensen and Chad looked at Jared questioningly. He didn’t remember how much he’d shared of this.

“My clothes were soiled so I removed them.”

“He tried to make toast,” Jared elaborated.

Chad’s brow rose. “So?”

“Well. He was … um, naked. And he had … all the parts. Why bother if-“

“I am grown from Doctor Ackles cells. So we have the same penis.”

Jensen sputtered the water he’d been sipping. A chuckle above them made them all jump. “Heh. Always wondered if that was true of twins.”

The previously sarcastic waitress was certainly having a good laugh at Jensen’s expense. Jared thought if the doctor turned any redder he’d glow. A laugh escaped. It was pretty funny. And, given what he’d seen post-fire - pretty darn promising, too.

“Right. Can’t take my brother anywhere. Let’s talk about something else, shall we?”

Chad, of course, couldn’t let this drop yet. “Same in every way?”

“Yes. Except his is fully functioning.”

“Well that’s real good to know, eh, Jay?”

Now Jared was blushing, too. No matter he’d just been thinking that.

Mercifully, the waitress dropped off the check and left with a last snicker.

Back at the motel they stood before the two rooms that Jensen had booked. Jensen addressed Pro-One. “C’mon, we can have this one. Jared and Chad will be next door.”

Pro-One hesitated. “Chad said he would share with me again.”

Jared looked at the interplay. It was just like a child asking for a sleepover at his best friend’s house. He knew Jensen couldn’t possibly say no. Jensen faltered. “Chad, is it--?”

“Of course. C’mon, lil’ dude I’m so tired I could sleep standing up.”

“Really? I can stay upright during sleep mode but I didn’t think that humans-“

“I’ll explain it inside.” With a last wry look Chad led Pro-One into their room and shut the door behind them.

Jensen looked awkward. “I … could get us another room.”

“It’s okay. Got two beds, right?”


“No worries.”

Jared dropped his bag on the bed closest to the bathroom. He asked if Jensen minded if he showered first. He made quick work of washing the miles off his body and it wasn’t until he was done drying that he realized he hadn’t brought a change of clothes in with him. Wrapping a towel around his hips he came out to find Jensen sitting at the small round table, pecking away at his laptop. Jensen looked up at the sound of the bathroom door opening.

And stared.

The lust was hot, fast and instantaneous. Jensen’s Adam’s apple bounced once as he swallowed hard.

“You should never wear clothes.”

“Hafta move somewhere pretty warm for that,” Jared replied with a smug leer.

Jensen’s stare drifted lower. “Got an advantage over me.”

“Yeah, what’s that?”

“You’ve seen me naked. So to speak.”

Jared met Jensen’s slowly darkening eyes. He made a split-second decision and let the towel fall to his feet.

“Fuck,” Jensen uttered.

“Could be arranged.”

Jared took a step closer. There was something super sensuous in being completely naked while Jensen was fully clothed. He expected to feel vulnerable. But he didn’t. He felt oddly empowered.

“Want you,” he whispered against Jensen’s ear, feeling the rough texture of Jensen’s overshirt against his chest.

Jensen sucked in air and skimmed his hand brazenly against Jared’s quickly hardening cock. “Can see that.”

Jared moved his lips from Jensen’s ear, across his cheek, feeling the slight burn of stubble as he moved slowly toward the other man’s mouth. He brushed past Jensen’s lips but kept going, shifting down over his chiseled jaw line. So gorgeous.

Jensen pushed away from the laptop and stood up. Sizzling at the proximity of Jensen’s body to his, Jared murmured, “How’s someone as hot as you a computer geek?”

Jensen laughed, lips pressing back against Jared’s face until he reached his ear. “How is someone so hot a Kindergarten teacher?”


Jensen looked like he might have replied but Jared found his lips and all talking stopped.

Like before, kissing Jensen felt familiar and practiced. Lips sliding together and mouths opening and tilting and inhaling. He slipped his tongue inside Jensen’s mouth, tasting and prodding. Urging Jensen to move against him and digging his fingers into the curved muscles of Jensen’s back. Jensen pressed in tighter, friction of denim unbearably delicious against Jared’s erection. Fuck, he could get off just rubbing against him he was so turned on.

Head tilting again, he deepened the kiss even further, tongues tangling furiously in a quick suck and slide. “God, your mouth is perfect,” Jared mumbled when he pulled back to take in a much needed breath.

He felt Jensen’s grin against his lips. Teeth grazing at Jared’s neck Jensen replied, “Yeah? You like my mouth?”

Jared’s strangled agreement disappeared as Jensen dipped to lick at Jared’s nipple. He brought those full lips into a pucker and sucked deeply. Jared stumbled and staggered a step backward. “Easy there,” Jensen murmured, steadying him with one strong hand on Jared’s hip. The grip felt tight enough to leave a mark and Jared’s cock got even harder at the thought.

He moved his hands to Jensen’s shoulders unconsciously pressing down even as Jensen released a throaty laugh. “Yeah, I’m getting there. Patience.”

Lips pressed to Jared’s torso, Jensen slowly licked his way down, dropping to his knees in front of Jared.

The sight threatened to set Jared off before anything even started and Jared grabbed hold of himself taking a few calming breaths. Jensen looked up, his eyes locked with Jared’s, and he pushed Jared’s hand out of the way to wrap his own around Jared’s thickness. “Better than I even imagined,” he said licking his lips.

“Yeah? You been thinking ‘bout this?”

“Mmm. Wanna suck you down, feel you back in my throat. Want you to fuck my throat raw.”

“Oh, god,” Jared managed to gasp. “Quit fucking teasing me.”

Jensen chuckled before diving in and making good on his words and then some. Lips, hands, head all moving in tandem. Jared fought the urge to thrust his hips forward and give Jensen what he claimed to want.

The strong hand on Jared’s hip suddenly caressed his flank, then shifted so Jensen’s fingers were splaying over his belly. Jensen’s mouth opened impossibly wider, lips flying over Jared’s cock, tongue moving over the ridges and sucking on the head before moving back down his length.

Jared decided on the spot this was the best blow job of his life. Jensen let out a small hum and Jared’s dick was engulfed. Maybe even the best blow job in the history of blow jobs. But Jared didn’t have enough brain cells to continue processing his thoughts. It was nothing but sheer, heart stopping sensation. Heat, moisture, tightness, suction. He started muttering, “J-Jen … Jens … “ in warning. His hands were gripping the back of Jensen’s head without him realizing they’d been holding him for some time.

Jensen swirled his tongue one last time and Jared was gone.

Jensen swallowed most of Jared’s come. The rest covered his chin and part of his cheek and if Jared hadn’t just shattered like it was the last orgasm he’d ever be allowed he knew the sight alone would make him come again.

With Jensen’s help he collapsed backward on the bed. Jensen stood in front of it staring down at him. He licked around his lips. “Debauched is a good look for you.”

“That’s funny.”

“What is?”

Jared forced his breathing to slow to something approaching normal. “Was just thinking come-splattered is a good look for you.”

Jensen kept his stare. Put one finger up to his cheek and moved the mess around slightly before bringing it into his mouth to suck on. After an intense stare he disappeared into the bathroom. Jared moved just enough to manage his legs onto the bed.

Jensen returned, face now clean. He was still fully dressed and stood staring down at Jared who was lying with his hands behind his head now. The pupils of Jensen’s eyes were still blown wide.

“Never done that before,” Jared said.

“Gotten a blow job? Wow. Sheltered much?”

Jared smirked. “No. Jerk.” He smiled to cut any bite out of his words. “Never engaged in any sexual act where I was the only one undressed.”

“Mmm,” Jensen said. “Works for me. Well. For now. Like I said. Think there should be a law preventing you from ever getting dressed again.”

“The Jared Padalecki Disrobing Act?”

“Yep. Gotta start lobbying for it right away.”

Jared stared at the obvious bulge in Jensen’s jeans. “That’s gonna start hurting soon.”

“Been hurtin’ for a while now.”

“I could kiss it and make it better.”

Jensen chuckled. “You’ve been hanging around with preschoolers too much.”

“I could suck you off and make it better?”

Jensen slowly unbuckled his belt and opened the top button of his jeans before straddling Jared on the bed. He kneed his way up Jared’s body slowly, hands trailing up Jared’s chest. Finally he stopped with his thighs on either side of Jared’s upper torso, crotch above Jared’s head. Slowly he pulled down the zipper and moved his hand inside to free his erection.

Jared reached around and groped Jensen’s denim clad ass. Fuck, it was hot to just have Jensen’s cock out like that and the rest of Jensen still covered. Jensen angled down until his dick grazed Jared’s lips. Jensen’s eyes shut momentarily as Jared licked at the crown. About time the cocky bastard lost a little of that tight control. Jared reached up and took over, urging Jensen to fuck into his mouth while he controlled the rhythm. Jensen’s cock was thick and as gorgeous as the rest of him and Jared really didn’t know how much longer he’d be okay with this staying dressed game. But for now the scrape of denim against his chin and fingertips was sending his blood flowing south again.

Didn’t take long before Jensen was struggling to pull off. “Gonna-“

Jared shifted back just long enough to say, “Want you to.” He swallowed hard and fast, sucking tight and squeezing out every drop. Jensen sank into him in a breathy release. He rolled over and plunked down next to Jared. They automatically turned toward each other. Jared leaned in for a soft, slow kiss, tasting himself and Jensen all combined. He groaned deep in his throat and brought Jensen closer.

The clothes Jensen still wore were now unacceptably in the way. Jared started pulling Jensen’s shirt off his shoulders. “You really are overdressed.”

“Yeah,” Jensen agreed, sleepily allowing Jared to undress him. Childlike, Jensen put his hands up and let Jared tug his tee-shirt off. Then he lifted his hips as Jared pulled his jeans and briefs down in one tug. Jared moved to the end of the bed and let first one then the other of Jensen’s feet slip out, dropping the pants to the floor. He quickly scooted back up the bed.

“Shift up one more time,” he commanded, smiling at Jensen’s easy agreement. The man was very pliable after sex. Nice to know. Jared pulled them both beneath the covers.

“Whatcha doin’?” Jensen asked groggily.

“Um. Nothing. What are you doing?”

“Should go to bed.”

Jared laughed. “We are in bed.”

“No. Mean the other … “ Jensen’s chin pointed in the general direction of the other empty bed in the room. “Sleep better in my own space.”

“Ahh,” Jared said waiting. Jensen didn’t move. Instead, he seemed to sink even further into his pillow.

Jared tentatively put an arm across Jensen’s waist. Jensen let out another adorable groan and wriggled slightly.

Content, Jared shut his eyes. A second later he felt a hand move up his hip. He opened his eyes to a warm green stare. “Y’know … if we had stuff, I’d so want to fuck you.”

Jared let the heat of that travel through him. “Me, too,” he challenged.

Jensen held his gaze long enough to make Jared blink. “I’d let you.” The words were quiet and Jared had a feeling they meant more than Jared was able to process at the moment. Perpetrating Great Escapes from Top Secret Facilities, followed by the world’s most awesome blowjob, tended to wipe him out.

It took a moment before he realized that Jensen had asked him something. Jensen repeated it. “Would you let me?”

Oh, that was easy. He smiled broadly. “Absolutely.”

Jensen’s answering smile was kinda breathtaking. ‘Course Jared was tired. But still. “I like you,” Jensen whispered.

Jared leaned in and kissed his freckled nose. Which was fifty kinds of hokey but it had really been a long day and longer days were still to come. He fought that back and thought only of the beautiful man across from him. “I like you, too.”

He shut his eyes slowly, letting Jensen’s gold-green stare burn behind his eyelids until sleep took over.

To Chapter 7 & Epilogue
To Master Post
To Art Post

jensen/jared, jared padalecki, j2, rps, romantic dramedy, jensen ackles, 2011 spn/j2 big bang, jrobot, author: sandymg

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