Drabble: Eye of the Soul, [G]

Jan 05, 2011 01:24

Drabble: Eye of the Soul
Author: sandymg 
Summary: Written for spnwriterlounge  Flashfic Wednesday's Fresh Starts theme challenge
Wordcount: 100
Genre: Drabble
Characters: Sam
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or any of its characters.

Eye of the Soul

It hurts.

He is howling.

Feels the vibration in his throat but the heat -- burning fire at his core -- smothers all sound.

He is blind, surrounded by white. He is pushing up and through and inside. A heart beats and he wonders at the thump. Familiar strum. Muscle and bone and a cavity of air. Blood pulsing. He feels sensations in limbs.

Tears, new and old and stinging. Blinking, once, twice … but sight does not yet come.

It’s bright, this fire from within. It consumes.

A whimper jumps from his throat.

Sam is free.

Sam is whole.


fanfiction, drabble, fanfic, fandom: supernatural, season 6, sam winchester

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