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sandymg May 25 2011, 13:22:18 UTC
And jeez, I can’t believe this just hit me… Jensen was previously in a facility in Detroit

Hee...I'm glad you noticed that. Nothing against Detroit and I'm sure their mental health facilities are fine. Just like doing Show tie-ins if I can because they make me giggle. I actually excused a lot of broad strokes in terms of mental health by telling myself this is a fairy tale and so I needed bad guys.

I also romanticized schizophrenia but I have read some on the subject and there is something 'magical' about certain delusions.

Discovering that Jensen wasn't very nice as a teenager is probably the least surprising part of the story. Clearly something make him feel that he was 'ugly' and such. But you are right ... he was incredibly lonely and wasn't dealing with his grief in a healthy way. I implied drug and alcohol abuse. Saddly we read so much about youthful rich folks tanking their own lives. Felt like that might be the most realistic part of this story!

But I believe he went through a life-altering experience that somehow enabled the 'real' Jensen to emerge. It's this swap that I find interesting in the story. He was beautiful before but acted ugly. Later he feels ugly but acts beautiful.

This was such a rich theme to mine in a story. Especially as far as Jared is able to see beyond it all to the truth.

I can't wait to read your thoughts on my conclusion.


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